the-infocom-files / seastalker

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You can be in the hallway when Sharon sabotages the breaker, but you won't see her #58

Open eriktorbjorn opened 4 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago

When you answer the videophone and Bly tells you about the problem, the game sets up a timer to I-SHARON-TO-HALLWAY. See BLY-TELLS_PROBLEM.

Once she gets there, she sabotages the breaker and goes back to her office. Normally you shouldn't be able to catch her there, because you can't drop the microphone without hanging up, and if you hang up it will trigger I-SHARON-TO-HALLWAY early.

You can however give the microphone to Tip without hanging up. If you then hurry to the hallway ("GO TO HALLWAY" is obviously the fastest way):

You're in a corridor, with your laboratory to the west, a storage closet to the
south, and Kemp's office to the east. An Electrical Panel fills most of the
north wall.

Tip follows you into the corridor.

It is already closed!

(I assume you mean: wait 10 turns.)
Time passes...
(Oh no! Your score just went down by 3 points!)

(Are you tired of seeing "What next?" Well, you won't see it any more.)

Do you want to keep waiting? >NO

Okay, the circuit breaker is now closed.
(Your score just went up by 3 points!)

As far as the game is concerned, Sharon just broke the circuit. Later in the game she'll admit she did it. (At least, I think she will.) But how?

I guess you shouldn't be allowed to get rid of the microphone at all while you're talking to Bly.