the-infocom-files / suspended

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You can steal the tool bag from the humans with "REPLACE" without them noticing #34

Open eriktorbjorn opened 4 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago
WALDO INTERRUPT: The mobile objects have stopped for a moment. I also detect the
square container opening then shutting. The mobile objects have removed a tiny
container and are grasping it.

FC: Cryolink established to Waldo.
WALDO: Okay. It's done.

I am grasping...
  A tiny container

This works both while the humans are carrying the bag, and when it's on the floor. Of course, since the game will assume that the bag isn't stolen it is likely to teleport out of your inventory shortly afterwards.

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago

The places to handle this are probably TOOLBAG-FCN and SLEEP-CHAMBER-FCN. Both of these only check for the TAKE action, not the REPLACE one.