the-infocom-files / trinity

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"FIND THIN MAN" refers to him as "it" #29

Open eriktorbjorn opened 4 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago

Late in the game you can see Robert Oppenheimer, though the game doesn't refer to him by name:

It's right here in front of you.

This message is printed by ITS-RIGHT-HERE, which uses SAY-ITS to print the appropriate pronoun:

        <TELL "They're ">
           (<IS? ,PRSO ,FEMALE>
        <TELL "She's ">
           (<PRSO? BOY GIANT CHARON>
        <TELL "He's ">
     <TELL "It's ">

I can see why it hard-codes the list of male characters, because there are objects with the PERSON bit (and without the FEMALE bit) that should probably still be referred to as "it", e.g. the roadrunner and the barrow wight. OPPIE is the only one I can find that should clearly be added to the list.