the-infocom-files / wishbringer

Wishbringer: The Magick Stone of Dreams
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The Darkness wish prints incorrect messages in the default case #33

Open eriktorbjorn opened 4 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago

The default case for the Darkness wish prints bad messages. Here I'm trying it on the platypus in the pit:

The night becomes very still as you speak the Wish. You notice the  looking
around nervously.

All at once a terrifying shadow sweeps across the face of the full moon,
plunging the landscape into total darkness.

You can hear the making fearful noises in the sudden gloom.

(Thankfully, the icky taste of grue milk is gone.)

There are two errors here. First, "You notice the looking ..." is printed by DARKNESS-F:

               <TELL "You notice ">
               <ARTICLE .WHO T>
               <TELL " looking">

The problem here is that <ARTICLE .WHO T> only prints the article, not the name of the object. So that should be <TELL D .WHO " looking"> afterwards.

Second, "You can hear the making fearful noises ..." is also printed by DARKNESS-F:

               <TELL CR CR ,YOU-HEAR>
               <ARTICLE .WHO T>
               <TELL "making fearful noises">

Same error here, and it's also missing a space. It should probably be <TELL D .WHO " making fearful noises">.

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago

The Rain wish has the same glitch:

A searing bolt of lightning shatters the night! It strikes the glowing Stone of
Dreams, and fractures the sky into a billion raindrops.

Everything around you is soaked in a brief but savage downpour.

It's obvious that  did not enjoy the sudden bath.

The vulture hovers in the sky high overhead.

And here's what it looks like in RAIN-F:

        <SET OBJ <REACTOR?>>
        <COND (<ZERO? .OBJ>
        <TELL CR "It's obvious that ">
        <ARTICLE .OBJ T>
        <TELL " did not enjoy the sudden bath." CR>