the-infocom-files / witness

The Witness
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If you delay Phong outside the office, he won't see Mr Linder's corpse #46

Open eriktorbjorn opened 5 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 5 years ago

If you get up quickly after Mr Linder is shot, and then delay Phong outside the office, he won't enter the office.

This is the south end of a hallway that runs the length of the house. At the far
end, to the north, you can see the living room; immediately to the south is a
door. Other doors on both sides lead to other rooms.
To the north Mr. Phong enters the hallway from the west.

Mr. Phong stops and turns toward you.

Mr. Phong is listening.

Mr. Phong is listening.

You hear the door bell ring.
Mr. Phong, off to the north, ducks into a room to the west.

So now he goes to answer the doorbell, without ever seeing the corpse. Of course, he may go into the office later in the game, but it still means you can get some misleading answers from him now:

"I don't think Mr. Linder would like that."

"I was in the kitchen and heard a sound like a gunshot, so I ran to the office
and found you and Mr. Linder. You were closer to it than I was."

I wonder if there is a way to disable the ability to distract Phong for this one case. After all, he just heard a gunshot so he should be (or at least act) pretty anxious to get there.

eriktorbjorn commented 5 years ago

Maybe add something like this at the start of GRAB-ATTENTION:

     <COND (<AND <==? .PERSON ,PHONG>
             <NOT ,PHONG-SEEN-CORPSE?>>

I'm not sure if it's the right thing, but it seems to work...