the-infocom-files / witness

The Witness
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Linder can take you to the office before you meet him #47

Open eriktorbjorn opened 5 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 5 years ago

If you wait to the very last moment before ringing the door bell, Mr Linder will take you to the office before you even meet him:

It's now 8:51 p.m.

Someone turns off the radio. You hear footsteps inside the house. Then the door
swings open.
"Good evening," says a smiling face, "I am Phong. Please come in." He leads you
into the house and closes the door behind you.

Here in the entry is a small Shinto shrine, with a hanging scroll and an
arrangement of flowers, as well as a coat closet and a platform for storing
shoes. You can see a hallway to the east. The front door, on the west wall, is
Phong's straight black hair and folded eyelids make him obviously Asian, but no
definite nationality. His open, almost gentle face holds a quick smile and eyes
that seem to miss nothing. He carries his stout body lightly, but you can see
great strength under his light shirt and dark trousers. You guess his age at
about fifty, but who knows how many lifetimes of experience he carries?
Linder gulps down the rest of his drink. "Well, Detective," he says, "I'm
anxious to get on with our business. Let's you and I go to my office so we can
talk undisturbed." He takes you by the arm and leads you through the hallway.
Just south of the entry, he opens a door to the east and leads you through it.
This is obviously the office of Mr. Linder's company, Pacific Trade Associates.
At the west end of the office, a massive desk of teak and mahogany faces toward
the window. It has no drawers, but the top is covered with piles of letters,
some newspapers, a telephone, and various souvenirs from the Far East.
Behind it is a large ornately-carved chair, like a cruiser escorting a battle
ship. A simple wooden chair, polished smooth by visitors, flanks the desk on the
other side. On the north wall is a lounge, upholstered in green velvet and a bit
lumpy, with a framed wood-block picture hanging over it. On the outside wall,
next to a door and window, stands a grandfather clock, ticking relentlessly. A
file cabinet stands in the corner.
The door to the interior hallway is open.
A cat is sleeping in the corner.
Linder sits down in the carved chair.

That's because Linder goes to his office regardless of whether or not you are with him, because he's arranged a meeting to pay off Stiles. So the I-LINDER-TO-OFFICE timer is set up in QUEUE-MAIN-EVENTS.

It is then either disabled (if you are escorted out) or adjusted in I-LINDER-WELCOME.

But in this case, I managed to get the timer to fire before Phong had escorted me to the living room. Maybe it should be disabled as soon as Phong opens the front door for you?