the-infocom-files / zork2

Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz
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Unnecessary blank line after the robot dies #25

Open eriktorbjorn opened 5 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 5 years ago

If the robot dies (either by sending it into a strong magnetic field, or by having it take the sphere and getting crushed by the cage), the game prints a message followed by " The robot has died ".

After that message, there are two blank lines before the next prompt. That seems a bit unnecessary:

"Whirr, buzz, click!"
According to Prof. TAA of GUE Tech, the magnetic fields in the room are intense
enough to fry the delicate innards of the robot. I really don't know, but in any
event, smoke pours from its ears and it has stopped moving.

   ****  The robot has died  ****

Bug? Not in a flawless program like this! (Cough, cough).

The same thing probably happens in Zork III, but I don't know how to get anyone else killed like that there. (Well, I know there used to be a bug where it said the Dungeon Master had died, but I don't know if that still happens.)

For comparison, here's a similar message from Enchanter:

The poor turtle starts, but he's just too slow. About halfway across the room he
is dispatched by the enormous hammer, leaving only a rainbow colored smudge on
the floor. Even that disappears at the next blow of the hammer.

*** The rainbow turtle has died ***

"Crash!" A huge hammer smashes against the stone floor.