the-infocom-files / zork2

Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz
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Missing line break when resurrected #34

Open eriktorbjorn opened 5 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 5 years ago
You follow a corridor of black mist into a black walled spherical room. As you
enter, a huge and horrible face materializes out of the mist.

"What brings you here to trouble my imprisonment, wanderer?" it asks. Hearing no
immediate answer, it studies you for a moment.
"Perhaps you may be of some use to me in gaining my freedom from this place.
Return to your foolish quest! I shall not destroy you this time. Mayhap you will
repay this favor in kind someday." The face vanishes and the mist begins to
swirl. When it clears you are returned to the world of life.
Inside the Barrow
You are inside an ancient barrow hidden deep within a dark forest. The barrow
opens into a narrow tunnel at its southern end. You can see a faint glow at the
far end.
There is a lamp here (providing light).

As pointed out in other bug reports, the custom seems to be that if you move to a new room, there is a line break between the preceding message and the room's description.

This would of course have to be tested for all variations in the DEAD-PALANTIR routine.