the-infocom-files / zork2

Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz
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Gnome of Zurich glitch when carrying the wizard's wand #58

Open eriktorbjorn opened 4 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago
Time passes...
An epicene gnome of Zurich wearing a three-piece suit and carrying a safety
deposit box materializes in the room. He notices the wand and dematerializes

You can't see any gnome here!

Time passes...

Time passes...

Time passes...

Time passes...
The gnome looks impatient: "I may have another customer waiting; you'll just
have to fend for yourself, I'm afraid." He disappears, leaving you alone.

This is what I-ZGNOME looks like:

"An epicene gnome of Zurich wearing a three-piece suit and carrying a
safety deposit box materializes in the room.">
        <COND (<IN? ,WAND ,WINNER>
" He notices the wand and dematerializes speedily." CR>)
               <TELL " \"You seem to have
forgotten to deposit your valuables,\" he says, tapping the lid of the
box impatiently. \"We don't usually allow customers to use the boxes
here, but we can make this ONE exception, I suppose...\" He looks
askance at you over his wire-rimmed bifocals." CR>
               <MOVE ,GNOME-OF-ZURICH ,HERE>)>)>>

It should only enable I-ZGNOME-OUT if the gnome is actually moved to the room.

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago

As far as I can tell, the volcano gnome does not have this bug.