the-infocom-files / zork2

Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz
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Missing blank line when paying the Gnome of Zurich #59

Open eriktorbjorn opened 4 years ago

eriktorbjorn commented 4 years ago
The gnome carefully places the ruby in the deposit box. "Let me show you the way
out," he says, making it clear he will be pleased to see the last of you. Then,
you are momentarily disoriented, and when you recover you are back at the Bank
Bank Entrance
This is the entrance hall of the Bank of Zork, the largest banking institution
of the Great Underground Empire. A partial account of its history is in "The
Lives of the Twelve Flatheads," in the chapter on J. Pierpont Flathead. A more
detailed history (albeit less objective) may be found in Flathead's outrageous
autobiography "I'm Rich and You Aren't - So There!". Most of the furniture has
been ravaged by passing scavengers. All that remains are two signs at the
northwest and northeast corners of the room, which say:

    <--  VIEWING ROOMS  -->

The way out (ornate but tasteful) is to the east.

There should be a blank line before the room description. The gnome message is printed by ZGNOME-FCN, and it's of course just a matter of adding an extra CR to it.