the-isf-academy / data-science-project-haji789

data-science-project-haji789 created by GitHub Classroom
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Magic Numbers #1

Open wolfj95 opened 4 years ago

wolfj95 commented 4 years ago

Where are the numbers in your results section coming from? If you are going to do calculations, you should make sure your code is general enough: if someone else were to use your code with a different energy dataset, would it work?

In code, we call numbers without any naming or explanation magic numbers. They are hard to understand what they mean because it's almost as if they appeared by magic.

Make sure all of your numbers are coming from some kind of calculation you do on your data and that you're storing those numbers in descriptively named variables.

wolfj95 commented 4 years ago

it looks like the numbers in the line I referenced above are coming from the mean HVAC (37.542133) and the mean lighting (5.912801) of A block. It looks like you're calculating those numbers using the df.describe() function in the cell above. Rather than writing out those numbers again, you should save the calculations into variables. For example, you can get the mean lighting use of just the A block using this code: df2dataframe.loc["mean"]['Building A']

If you save these calculations into variables, you'll then be able to reuse them when you're doing your calculations in the cells below.