the-lay / tiler

N-dimensional NumPy array tiling and merging with overlapping, padding and tapering
MIT License
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window function normalization #6

Closed renerichter closed 2 years ago

renerichter commented 3 years ago

Hiho, thank you for this awesome project. I played a bit around with it and tried all tiling and windowing options, but it seems to me that in the stitched image the windowing functions do not sum up to 1 (=100%), but to 0. I tested it with the following code:

import numpy as np
from tiler import Tiler, Merger
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
imsize = 64
im = np.reshape(np.arange(imsize*imsize),[imsize,imsize])
batch_size = 10
overlap = 5
tiler_mode = 'wrap'
windows_supported = ['boxcar', 'triang', 'blackman', 'hamming', 'hann', 'bartlett', 'flattop', 'parzen', 'bohman', 'blackmanharris', 'nuttall', 'barthann', 'overlap-tile']
tiler = Tiler(data_shape=im.shape,
#Tiler.TILING_MODES == ['constant', 'drop', 'irregular', 'reflect', 'edge', 'wrap']
tiles_in_batches = [batch for _, batch in tiler(im, batch_size=batch_size)]
merged_images = []

for mwin in windows_supported:
    merger = Merger(tiler,window=mwin)
    #Merger.SUPPORTED_WINDOWS == ['boxcar', 'triang', 'blackman', 'hamming', 'hann', 'bartlett', 'flattop', 'parzen', 'bohman', 'blackmanharris', 'nuttall', 'barthann', 'overlap-tile']

    for batch_id, batch in enumerate(tiles_in_batches):
        merger.add_batch(batch_id, batch_size, batch)

    imf = merger.merge(unpad=True,argmax=False)
merged_images = np.array(merged_images)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(nrows=4,ncols=4,figsize=[14,14])
axm = ax.flatten()
for m,mim in enumerate(merged_images): 
    ima = axm[m].imshow(mim)

which results in


where the last image is the original (to-be-tiled and merged) image and the others are the different merges from all possible merging options.

What am I doing wrong here?

the-lay commented 3 years ago

Hi @renerichter ! Great to see the interest!

Unfortunately I still haven't implemented automatic calculation of window sizes and overlap to get constant 1.0 "weight" in Merger. It is in the roadmap and I have to admit it has been there for too long! For now, you have to calculate "correct" sizes yourself and/or apply padding like in the examples/

You could divide the merged data by the number of times each element has been seen in tiles. This would work properly only for boxcar (constant) window: imf = merger.merge(unpad=True, argmax=False) / merger.data_visits[:imsize, :imsize] I think I will add such normalization as another flag for Merger.merge() next time I work on the project.


Hope that helps!

renerichter commented 3 years ago

I added #7 and would like to discuss the merging strategy. Building onto my pull-request the following test-code is applied

Test Code

import numpy as np
from tiler import Tiler,Merger
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# %% Test example for online

# parameter
data_shape = [1,256,256]
tile_shape = np.array([1,64,64])
tiler_mode = 'wrap'
windows_supported = ['boxcar', 'triang', 'blackman', 'hamming', 'hann', 'bartlett', 'flattop', 'parzen', 'bohman', 'blackmanharris', 'nuttall', 'barthann', 'overlap-tile']

# image
xy = np.ogrid[0:data_shape[-2],0:data_shape[-1]]
xy = np.sqrt(xy[0]*np.transpose(xy[0])+xy[1]*np.transpose(xy[1]))
im = np.cos(4*xy*np.pi/np.max(xy))[np.newaxis]
merged_images = [im,]

# tile me
tiler = Tiler(data_shape=data_shape, tile_shape=tile_shape,overlap=tuple(overlap),get_padding=True)
im_padded = tiler.pad_outer(im,tiler.pads)
weights_sums = [np.ones(im_padded.shape),]

for mwin in windows_supported:
    merger = Merger(tiler,window=mwin)
    #Merger.SUPPORTED_WINDOWS == ['boxcar', 'triang', 'blackman', 'hamming', 'hann', 'bartlett', 'flattop', 'parzen', 'bohman', 'blackmanharris', 'nuttall', 'barthann', 'overlap-tile']

    for tile_id, tile in tiler(im_padded):
        processed_tile = tile # lambda x: x
        merger.add(tile_id, processed_tile)

    imf = merger.merge(data_orig_shape=data_shape)

# plot images
merged_images = np.array(merged_images)[:,0]
fig,ax = plt.subplots(nrows=4,ncols=4,figsize=[14,14])
plt_titles = ['reference',]+windows_supported
axm = ax.flatten()
for m,mim in enumerate(merged_images): 
    ima = axm[m].imshow(mim,interpolation='None')
plt.suptitle('Resulting Images')

# plot images
weights_sums = np.array(weights_sums)[:,0]
fig2,ax2 = plt.subplots(nrows=4,ncols=4,figsize=[14,14])
plt_titles = ['reference',]+windows_supported
axm = ax2.flatten()
inv_weights = merger.norm_by_weights((weights_sums[0])[np.newaxis], weights=weights_sums)
inv_weights/= np.max(inv_weights,axis=(-2,-1),keepdims=True)
for m,invm in enumerate(inv_weights): 
    ima = axm[m].imshow(invm**0.002,interpolation='None')
plt.suptitle('Inverse Weights-maps **0.002 (for display)')

# differences
for m,mim in enumerate(merged_images):
    print(f"All close for window_func={plt_titles[m]}?\t {np.allclose(mim,im[0])}")

The results are:

Resulting Images:


Weights used for reweighting:


Comparison between Reference and re-merged images

  All close for window_func=reference?     True
  All close for window_func=boxcar?        True
  All close for window_func=triang?        TrueM
  All close for window_func=blackman?      True
  All close for window_func=hamming?       True
  All close for window_func=hann?  True
  All close for window_func=bartlett?      True
  All close for window_func=flattop?       False
  All close for window_func=parzen?        True
  All close for window_func=bohman?        True
  All close for window_func=blackmanharris?        True
  All close for window_func=nuttall?       True
  All close for window_func=barthann?      True
  All close for window_func=overlap-tile?  False

For the reweighting I interpreted the calculation steps to be like if one would calculate a center-of-mass kind of thing. Hence,

could reproduce the wanted normalization of the output. On the other hand, if the window-functions are normed and symmetric than the final division by the weights would just undo the prior weighting of the tiles. Hence I believe I have a thinking error somehow here. What do you think?

PS: Flat-top normalization needs to be fixed...

the-lay commented 2 years ago

Merged #7. I will close this issue, but please feel free to open new issues/discussions!