Closed RobinMcCorkell closed 9 years ago
I've modifed the web management to create file information for software installation on the clients:
All of the information is in: netlogon/linuxclient/karoshi4/software/install/
Flag files all_install - install software listed in all_software on all linux clients all_updates - all clients will update on boot $location_install - install software listed in $location_software on all linux clients set to this location $location_updates - clients in a $location will update on boot
Data files all_software - list of software to install for all clients $location_software - list of software to install for clients in a location
@mpsharrad : What happens if a location is created called 'all'? :laughing:
As long as they really mean "all" then all will be ok !
@mpsharrad: What is happening with the old flag file, netlogon/linuxclient/$LINUX_VERSION/enable_updates
? I take it that all_updates
replaces that?
The ability to install software was removed previously, and needs to be re-implemented. Possible implementation idea: calculate hashes of the software install list, and if it has changed, do an install from the
Upstart job, performing a full system upgrade at the same time. This allows the upgrade to occur asynchronously, so boot times are not impaired. Only issue is the potential for corruption if the machine is shut down prematurely and hasn't finished installing software.