the-mmm-agency / muskoka-district-rentals
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Dependency Dashboard #162

Open renovate[bot] opened 3 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm @types/dotenv Unavailable
npm @types/gsap Unavailable
npm @types/prettier Unavailable
npm @types/react-select Unavailable
npm @types/slash Unavailable
npm @types/typescript Unavailable
npm @types/xstyled__system Unavailable
npm babel-eslint Available
npm eslint-loader Unavailable
npm eslint-plugin-standard Unavailable
npm gatsby-image Unavailable
npm gatsby-plugin-netlify-cache Unavailable
npm gatsby-plugin-preload-link-crossorigin Unavailable
npm jest-dom Unavailable
npm netlify-lambda Unavailable
npm npm-run-all Available
npm react-instantsearch-dom Unavailable


These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.


These updates have been manually edited so Renovate will no longer make changes. To discard all commits and start over, click on a checkbox.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Detected dependencies

package.json - `@babel/core ^7.7.2` - `@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx ^7.3.0` - `@emotion/babel-preset-css-prop ^10.0.9` - `@emotion/core ^10.0.21` - `@emotion/styled ^10.0.11` - `@material/react-list ^0.15.0` - `@material/react-menu ^0.15.0` - `@material/react-menu-surface ^0.15.0` - `@material/react-ripple ^0.15.0` - `@mdx-js/mdx ^1.5.3` - `@mdx-js/react ^1.5.3` - `@popmotion/popcorn ^0.4.2` - `@reach/router ^1.2.1` - `@styled-system/should-forward-prop ^5.0.10` - `@svgr/webpack ^4.3.3` - `@types/nodemailer ^6.2.2` - `@types/react-select ^3.0.10` - `@types/styled-components ^4.1.21` - `@types/xstyled__system ^1.14.1` - `@xstyled/babel-preset-emotion-css-prop ^1.14.0` - `@xstyled/emotion ^1.13.1` - `@xstyled/prop-types ^1.3.0` - `@xstyled/system ^1.5.0` - `algoliasearch ^3.35.1` - `babel-eslint ^10.0.1` - `babel-loader ^8.0.6` - `babel-plugin-emotion ^10.0.21` - `babel-plugin-polished ^1.1.0` - `babel-plugin-transform-remove-console ^6.9.4` - `babel-preset-gatsby ^0.2.18` - `child_process ^1.0.2` - `constate ^1.2.0` - `dayjs ^1.8.20` - `dayjs-plugin-utc ^0.1.2` - `dotenv ^8.0.0` - `elastic-scroll-polyfill ^2.1.0` - `emotion-theming ^10.0.10` - `eslint ^6.5.1` - `eslint-config-prettier ^6.4.0` - `eslint-config-standard ^14.1.0` - `eslint-formatter-pretty ^3.0.1` - `eslint-import-resolver-alias ^1.1.2` - `eslint-loader ^3.0.2` - `eslint-plugin-emotion ^10.0.7` - `eslint-plugin-import ^2.17.2` - `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y ^6.2.1` - `eslint-plugin-node ^10.0.0` - `eslint-plugin-prettier ^3.1.0` - `eslint-plugin-promise ^4.1.1` - `eslint-plugin-react ^7.16.0` - `eslint-plugin-react-hooks ^2.1.2` - `eslint-plugin-standard ^4.0.0` - `eslint-plugin-unicorn ^14.0.1` - `fp-ts ^2.1.1` - `framer-motion ^1.6.12` - `gatsby ^2.17.10` - `gatsby-background-image ^0.9.12` - `gatsby-cli ^2.7.58` - `gatsby-image ^2.2.27` - `gatsby-plugin-algolia ^0.5.0` - `gatsby-plugin-drift ^1.0.0` - `gatsby-plugin-emotion ^4.1.10` - `gatsby-plugin-eslint ^2.0.5` - `gatsby-plugin-fastclick ^1.0.1` - `gatsby-plugin-favicon ^3.1.6` - `gatsby-plugin-google-analytics ^2.1.36` - `gatsby-plugin-graphql-codegen ^2.1.1` - `gatsby-plugin-manifest ^2.2.33` - `gatsby-plugin-mdx ^1.0.67` - `gatsby-plugin-netlify ^2.1.19` - `gatsby-plugin-netlify-cache ^1.2.0` - `gatsby-plugin-netlify-functions ^0.0.3` - `gatsby-plugin-nprogress ^2.1.10` - `gatsby-plugin-offline ^3.0.14` - `gatsby-plugin-polished ^1.0.4` - `gatsby-plugin-postcss ^2.1.19` - `gatsby-plugin-preload-link-crossorigin ^1.0.2` - `gatsby-plugin-ramda ^1.0.0` - `gatsby-plugin-react-helmet ^3.1.11` - `gatsby-plugin-remote-images ^2.0.0` - `gatsby-plugin-remove-console ^0.0.2` - `gatsby-plugin-root-import ^2.0.5` - `gatsby-plugin-sharp ^2.2.29` - `gatsby-plugin-styled-components ^3.1.11` - `gatsby-plugin-typescript ^2.1.15` - `gatsby-remark-embed-video ^2.0.1` - `gatsby-remark-images ^3.1.42` - `gatsby-source-filesystem ^2.1.31` - `gatsby-source-wordpress ^3.1.41` - `gatsby-transformer-json ^2.2.13` - `gatsby-transformer-remark ^2.6.28` - `gatsby-transformer-sharp ^2.2.21` - `graphql ^14.5.8` - `graphqlgen ^0.6.0-rc9` - `intersection-observer ^0.7.0` - `keyboardjs ^2.5.1` - `monocle-ts ^2.0.0` - `netlify-lambda ^1.6.3` - `nodemailer ^6.3.1` - `polished ^3.3.0` - `prettier ^1.17.1` - `prop-types ^15.7.2` - `ramda ^0.26.1` - `react ^16.10.2` - `react-day-picker ^7.3.0` - `react-dom ^16.10.2` - `react-feather ^2.0.3` - `react-hanger ^2.0.0` - `react-headroom ^3.0.0` - `react-helmet ^5.2.1` - `react-horizontal-scrolling-menu ^0.7.6` - `react-instantsearch-dom ^6.0.0` - `react-modal ^3.8.2` - `react-pose ^4.0.9` - `react-reveal ^1.2.2` - `react-ripples ^2.1.1` - `react-select ^3.0.8` - `react-simple-chatbot ^0.6.1` - `react-star-ratings ^2.3.0` - `react-typography ^0.16.19` - `react-use ^13.24.0` - `sharp ^0.23.2` - `slash ^3.0.0` - `styled-components ^4.4.0` - `styled-icons ^9.1.0` - `styled-system ^5.0.6` - `styled-theming ^2.2.0` - `typescript ^3.7.4` - `use-media ^1.3.0` - `@graphql-codegen/cli ^1.9.1` - `@graphql-codegen/typescript ^1.9.1` - `@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations ^1.9.1` - `@types/aws-lambda ^8.10.34` - `@types/babel__core ^7.1.2` - `@types/dotenv ^8.2.0` - `@types/gsap ^1.20.2` - `@types/keyboardjs ^2.4.1` - `@types/node ^12.12.6` - `@types/prettier ^1.18.3` - `@types/prop-types ^15.7.3` - `@types/ramda ^0.26.29` - `@types/reach__router ^1.2.6` - `@types/react ^16.9.11` - `@types/react-dom ^16.9.4` - `@types/react-headroom ^2.2.1` - `@types/react-helmet ^5.0.11` - `@types/slash ^3.0.0` - `@types/styled-system ^5.1.2` - `@types/typescript ^2.0.0` - `@types/webpack ^4.39.8` - `babel-plugin-styled-components ^1.10.6` - `@percy/cypress ^2.2.0` - `@sambego/storybook-state ^1.3.4` - `@storybook/addon-actions ^5.2.3` - `@storybook/addon-knobs ^5.2.3` - `@storybook/addon-links ^5.2.3` - `@storybook/addons ^5.2.3` - `@storybook/react ^5.2.3` - `@storybook/theming ^5.2.3` - `@testing-library/cypress ^5.0.1` - `babel-jest ^24.8.0` - `cypress ^3.2.0` - `eslint-plugin-cypress ^2.7.0` - `eslint-plugin-jest ^23.0.2` - `identity-obj-proxy ^3.0.0` - `jest ^24.8.0` - `jest-chain ^1.1.2` - `jest-dom ^4.0.0` - `jest-emotion ^10.0.11` - `jest-extended ^0.11.1` - `jest-watch-typeahead ^0.4.0` - `npm-run-all ^4.1.5` - `react-test-renderer ^16.10.2` - `source-map-support ^0.5.12` - `start-server-and-test ^1.10.5` - `stylelint ^12.0.0` - `stylelint-config-prettier ^8.0.0` - `stylelint-config-rational-order ^0.1.2` - `stylelint-config-standard ^19.0.0` - `stylelint-config-styled-components ^0.1.1` - `stylelint-formatter-pretty ^1.1.3` - `stylelint-order ^3.0.0` - `stylelint-prettier ^1.1.0`
.travis.yml - `node 11.14.0`