the-modem-distro / pinephone_modem_sdk

Pinephone Modem SDK: Tools to build your own bootloader, kernel and rootfs
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Sending AT command over mmcli broken #164

Open boroli opened 1 year ago

boroli commented 1 year ago


since some time I get the following error message, when I try to send AT commands via ModemManager:

~/$ sudo mmcli -m any --command=$(echo AT+CCLK=\"`date -u +%y/%m/%d,%H:%M:%S+01`\")
error: command failed: 'GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Error.Core.Unauthorized: Cannot send AT command to modem: operation only allowed in debug mode'

or alternatively without sudo

~/$ mmcli -m any --command=$(echo AT+CCLK=\"`date -u +%y/%m/%d,%H:%M:%S+01`\")
error: command failed: 'GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Error.Core.Unauthorized: PolicyKit authorization failed: not authorized for 'org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Device.Control''

And actually the MM man pages states, that this is only available in debug mode:

              Send  an  AT  COMMAND  to  the  given  modem. For example, COMMAND could be
              'AT+GMM' to probe for phone  model  information.  This  operation  is  only
              available when ModemManager is run in debug mode.

I tried to find some meaningful information, but google wasn't any helpful in this case. I thought maybe some group id's are missing?!?

~/$ id
uid=1000(mobian) gid=1000(mobian) groups=1000(mobian),20(dialout),27(sudo),29(audio),44(video),46(plugdev),104(input),107(render),111(bluetooth),120(feedbackd)

In that particular instance, I tried to set the time and tried to send the AT command directly to USB2:

sudo mmcli -m any --command=$(echo AT+CCLK=\"`date -u +%y/%m/%d,%H:%M:%S+01`\")

But also this wasn't working.

boroli commented 1 year ago

After some research I figured out how to start ModemManager in debug mode:

sudo service ModemManager stop
sudo /usr/sbin/ModemManager --debug

Then on a second shell (or maybe you can put the ModemManager output in bg), send your AT commands:

sudo mmcli -m 0 --command=$(echo AT+CCLK=\"`date -u +%y/%m/%d,%H:%M:%S+01`\")
sudo mmcli -m 0 --command=$(echo AT+CCLK?)
response: '+CCLK: "22/11/11,16:23:58+44"'

That seems to have worked. But when I log into the adb shell, it still gives me 1970 date:

~$ adb shell
sh-5.1# date
Thu Jan  1 01:01:34 UTC 1970

And the modem still tries to sync the time:

sh-5.1# tail /var/log/openqti.log
[95.3278] I time_sync: Waiting for network to be ready... 0
[125.3238] I start_scheduler_thread: Starting scheduler thread
[125.3245] I read_tasks_from_storage: Start
[125.3250] I read_tasks_from_storage: Open file
[125.3256] E read_tasks_from_storage: Can't open config file for writing
[125.3286] I time_sync: Waiting for network to be ready... 0
[155.3294] I time_sync: Waiting for network to be ready... 0
[185.3303] I time_sync: Waiting for network to be ready... 0
[215.3311] I time_sync: Waiting for network to be ready... 0
[245.3321] I time_sync: Waiting for network to be ready... 0

What's the reason for that? Then back to the first shell, or bring MM into foreground; and bring MM back to normal operation:

sudo service ModemManager start
boroli commented 1 year ago

If I send an AT command directly to USB2, where can I read the response to it, like for this one?

sudo sh -c 'echo "AT+CCLK?\r" > /dev/ttyUSB2'
airtower-luna commented 1 year ago

You can't, because nothing in that command stays around to listen for a response. If your distro has atinout that's probably the simplest option:

echo 'AT+CCLK' | sudo atinout - /dev/ttyUSB2 -

Otherwise look at serial terminals (e.g. minicom, picocom, IIRC you can make screen work as one, too).