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Import and render HTML from copy doc #8

Closed tomvaillant closed 1 month ago

tomvaillant commented 1 month ago

Not sure how to import text as HTML from the GDoc, so that I can have hyperlinks and italics.

matthewfdaniels commented 1 month ago

If the string from your copy doc is called text, instead of {text} you'd do {@html text}

tomvaillant commented 1 month ago

Added this thanks, but HTML isn't being imported from the GDoc so it isn't available in the copy.json file.

matthewfdaniels commented 1 month ago

ah. you need to write out the html in the copy doc. so bold is hello and a link is:

The most conclusive long-term study to date is a recent <a target=_blank href=>randomized controlled</a> trial by Price et all on 326 infants which found no difference on any measure

note that you shouldn't use quotes or apostrophes in the html tags. just write out the link attributes right after the equal sign.

tomvaillant commented 1 month ago

Sorry for not thinking of that :( Done! Thank you.