the-refinery / ember-devise-simple-auth

A plugin to integrate your Ember app with a (mostly stock) Devise setup
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Upgrading to newest javascript file constantly redirects to sign-in #22

Open jsonMartin opened 10 years ago

jsonMartin commented 10 years ago

The old version as of (March 11th/13th) works fine for me, but when upgrading to the newest version that deserializes the /sessions/current user information into ember data, it breaks the front-end functionality for me. The old version uses: currentSession, the new version uses: currentUser.

I am using ember-rails.

After some testing, I discovered the problem seems to be the new javascript code. The GEM upgrade still lets me access the /sessions/current information via rails (and still works when I leave the old index.js version in place), but when I try to replace the index.js file with the new version, it constantly redirects me to sign-in no matter what I do.

I tried both with and without a user model created in Ember.

Any help would be appreciated!

All the best,


jsonMartin commented 10 years ago

Also, below is a screenshot from my rails console.

When I enter the correct login info, I do get a Completed 201 for the _"/users/signin" request, and a Completed 200 OK for the "/sessions/current" request; however, nothing happens in the browser, nor are any messages are sent to the console after logging in (sending the action "signIn" request via login button)


abuiles commented 10 years ago

@jasoncartermartin hey Jason, how does your /sessions/current payload looks like? I guess you are using EmberData, make sure you are returning the user object as Ember Data expects, it should look something like

        user: {
          id: 2,
          first_name: null,
          last_name: null,
          email: ""
joefiorini commented 10 years ago

@jasoncartermartin to add on to @abuiles suggestion, also make sure you have skipsAuthentication: true on the routes that you are not wanting to secure. Otherwise, I'll try to look into it later when I have some time.

jsonMartin commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the quick response @abuiles and @joefiorini! Apologies for the delay in my response, I have been traveling extensively this week.

@joefiorini: Thanks for the skipsAuthentication tip; I'm currently just trying this on a route that I do want to be protected, but I'll keep this info in mind for the public facing sections of the webapp.

@abuiles: Yes, I am using Ember Data — here are the versions I am using:

DEBUG: -------------------------------
DEBUG: Ember      : 1.4.1+pre.af87bd20
DEBUG: Ember Data : 1.0.0-beta.7.f87cba88
DEBUG: Handlebars : 1.3.0
DEBUG: jQuery     : 1.11.0
DEBUG: ------------------------------- 

So, my /sessions/current payload looks like:

id: 1,
email: "",
created_at: "2014-03-15T20:54:20.000Z",
updated_at: "2014-03-22T18:16:35.000Z"

I'm guessing that since the JSON is not nested under "user", that this is causing it to fail?

Not sure the best way to fix this; I investigated to find out where to configure the /sessions/current route to modify it to try to nest under user, but all I could find in my project related to this was this code in routes.rb:

devise_scope :user do
    get "/sessions/current" => "ember_devise_simple_auth/sessions#show"

What do you recommend as the best way to set up the /sessions/current rails response to format the data as expected?

And one last question: in addition to attempting to nest the /sessions/current rails response under "user", what do I need to have set up on the Ember side for User? I assume a model at bare minimum, but do I also need a controller/route set up for this on the Ember side for this to work as well? (When I look in the Ember inspector, the User model I created is not getting populated with data).

Thanks again for all of the help, and the work developing this project; It is great, and definitely the most elegant solution for getting Ember and Devise to play nicely :)



joefiorini commented 10 years ago

Are you using activemodelserializers for your data? If so, you can just create a user_serializer and it should be correct.

Let me know if that doesn't help.

--  Joe Fiorini

On March 22, 2014 at 2:39:46 PM, Jason Martin ( wrote:


jsonMartin commented 10 years ago

Thanks @joefiorini, yes I am using ActiveModelSerializers. Tried your suggestion and it appears to be working now!

I was successfully able to set up a serializer for User, and now it returns the object as expected:

   user: {
   id: 1,
   email: "",
   current_sign_in_at: "2014-03-24T21:47:27.000Z"

Now after logging in, it redirects me properly and the data is available in the User model when I check with Ember's Data inspector in Chrome.

Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it! I'll follow up if I run into any more issues.

All the best,


danbartlett commented 10 years ago

Had the exact same problem, although I had no idea it was anything to do with /sessions/current for a day and a half... Added the activemodelserializer and all is well, thanks everyone!