the-refinery / sparkpost_rails

Sparkpost delivery method for ActionMailer
MIT License
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Rails 5.1 support #41

Closed jpaas closed 7 years ago

jpaas commented 7 years ago

Could we please have an update to support Rails 5.1?

superplussed commented 7 years ago

Is this project abandoned?

sman591 commented 7 years ago

Rails 5.1 "support" was sneaked in on #45: But there hasn't been an update to rubygems since last year's 1.4.0 release.

All that should be needed is to release the 1.5.0 update that the changelog mentions... @dgoerlich ?

SimonVillage commented 7 years ago

Hi there, we are also waiting for the update...

nathanbertram commented 7 years ago

+1 on getting this resolved

SimonVillage commented 7 years ago

workaround: gem 'sparkpost_rails', :git => 'git://'

nathanbertram commented 7 years ago

Thanks :-) Yeah I got that working; I guess it just needs to be published to rubygems?

SimonVillage commented 7 years ago

Yes, can we have this updated please? @dgoerlich

cdesch commented 7 years ago

Yeah, having issues with the gem. Not sure If we should rely on it