the-spice-mice / web-app
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Sprint 4 Review #56

Closed ksheedy closed 5 years ago

ksheedy commented 5 years ago

-week 2 of coding -created the following patterns: forms, footer, cards, header -finalized navigation and filter form patterns (which were started in Sprint 3) -finalized icon design and created svg spritesheet -created favicon

ksheedy commented 5 years ago

How did you & the sprint succeed? What was positive? -this week we unified the look and feel of the app -we created patterns that will serve as the base of other patterns (like form fields)

How did you & the sprint fail? What was negative? -we experienced a few issues with merging and overwriting code -doing a thorough review of code before approving merges is critical

arobillard commented 5 years ago

How did you & the sprint succeed? What was positive?

How did you & the sprint fail? What was negative?

hollixholton commented 5 years ago

How did you & the sprint succeed? What was positive? -This week I was able to create some solutions for last week's patterns. -I learned how to PROPERLY branch/merge/resolve issues.

How did you & the sprint fail? What was negative? -I accidentally wrote over some of Katie's code which wasn't fun. -I had some issues formatting my patterns to be the most semantically correct/fit the look and feel of the app.