the-tcpdump-group / tcpslice

tcpslice concatenates multiple pcap files together, or extracts time slices from one or more pcap files.
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Use "git archive" for the "make releasetar" process #15

Closed fxlb closed 1 year ago

fxlb commented 1 year ago

Use the release tag if it exists or use HEAD.

This change 1) Ensures that we only release files from tag/HEAD, not locally modified ones. 2) Avoids disclosing personal data such as the username/group of the local user. 3) Puts by default a umask of 0002, which turns off the world write bit on files in the archive. 4) Avoids problems on some OSes (no more tar, git builtin tar.gz handling).

fxlb commented 1 year ago

This draft PR is use to check the change with the CI.