the-tcpdump-group / tcpslice

tcpslice concatenates multiple pcap files together, or extracts time slices from one or more pcap files.
63 stars 22 forks source link Fix the depend target / mkdep: Exit with a non-zero status if a command fails #28

Closed fxlb closed 2 months ago

fxlb commented 2 months ago
Fix an error on Solaris 10 like:
./mkdep: /opt/solarisstudio12.3/bin/cc -D_STDC_C99=: not found

When configure get some compiler option like:
checking for /opt/solarisstudio12.3/bin/cc option to accept ISO C99...
Makefile will contain:
CC = /opt/solarisstudio12.3/bin/cc -D_STDC_C99=

And if we use '-c "$(CC)"' mkdep will set and try to run:
CC="/opt/solarisstudio12.3/bin/cc -D_STDC_C99=", which is incorrect.

Remove the quotes to allow mkdep to set CC with the compiler name and
set flags with the option.