the-teachingRSE-project / competencies

The teachingRSE project: "Teaching and Learning Research Software Engineering"
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Dissemination of the competencies preprint #211

Open jngrad opened 10 months ago

jngrad commented 10 months ago

Where to advertise the preprint (feel free to edit my post to add new outlets):

jpthiele commented 10 months ago

Also @jlinx and me Monday/Tuesday at the deRSE/GI 'categories of research software' meeting.

CaptainSifff commented 10 months ago

Since I just received an E-Mail that the ReSA deadline is Nov21 for the arxiv link, I decided I will try to upload this sunday(19.11)

CaptainSifff commented 10 months ago

I think I will go for: cs.CY since their arxiv classification has education in it.

CaptainSifff commented 10 months ago

@MakisH , @jngrad , @jpthiele , @jcohen02 , @jlinx This would be the latex preview at arxiv arxiv.pdf .

CaptainSifff commented 10 months ago

OK, arxiv recommends ....

CaptainSifff commented 10 months ago

so, everything is prepared, I will wait a bit more until I press the submit button. submission

MakisH commented 10 months ago

Already looks very good! Nitpicking here (but I guess that's my task here):

And with this, I promise to not report anything else.

Edit: And after these are fixed may I say: press it, Kim! (referring of course to our RSE persona)

CaptainSifff commented 10 months ago

Oh well... does anyone know if arxiv caches the pdfs...?

CaptainSifff commented 10 months ago

ok, figured it out... needs gls files acr files and acn files now.

jpthiele commented 10 months ago

Ahh glossary output files. Makes sense

CaptainSifff commented 10 months ago


CaptainSifff commented 10 months ago

Today we are in "On hold" status.

CaptainSifff commented 10 months ago

back to submitted!

jpthiele commented 9 months ago

And published!

CaptainSifff commented 9 months ago

Resa newsletter should work out, they have the information.

CaptainSifff commented 9 months ago

Announced on the de-RSE ML , once moderation has passed....

CaptainSifff commented 9 months ago

We got a prominent spot...:

CaptainSifff commented 7 months ago

I will talk about this paper at SE24 in Linz:

CaptainSifff commented 7 months ago

We made it to the GI-Radar! Issue 351. the archive is here:

CaptainSifff commented 7 months ago

@jpthiele Now I have registered for the MMS days.

CaptainSifff commented 5 months ago

Flo is at MMS days with these slides. goth-mmsdays2024.pdf

CaptainSifff commented 4 months ago

A new arxiv version:

jngrad commented 4 months ago
jpthiele commented 2 months ago

At RSECon24 (03.-05. August) there will be a workshop for forming a special interest group within SocRSE and we will have a lightning talk to present our work.

jpthiele commented 2 months ago

At US-RSE (15.-17. October) we will have a workshop (similar to deRSE24 in terms of questions I'd say) . I also handed in a talk and a poster but they are under review for now.

CaptainSifff commented 1 month ago

arxiv is now uploaded.

CaptainSifff commented 1 month ago

some dates from the arxiv mail:

CaptainSifff commented 1 month ago

Your replacement is scheduled to be announced at Wed, 14 Aug 2024 00:00:00 GMT. The abstract will appear in the subsequent mailing as displayed below, except that the submission identifier will be replaced by the official arXiv identifier. Updates before Tue, 13 Aug 2024 18:00:00 GMT will not delay announcement.

If you have a problem that you are not able to resolve through the web interface, contact with a description of the issue and reference the submission identifier.

arXiv admin

\ arXiv:submit/5787844 From: Florian Goth Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2023 23:44:57 GMT (65kb,D) Date (revised v2): Fri, 12 Apr 2024 17:05:31 GMT (115kb,D) Date (revised v3): Mon, 12 Aug 2024 14:54:07 EST (136kb,D)

Title: Foundational Competencies and Responsibilities of a Research Software Engineer Authors: Florian Goth, Renato Alves, Matthias Braun, Leyla Jael Castro, Gerasimos Chourdakis, Simon Christ, Jeremy Cohen, Stephan Druskat, Fredo Erxleben, Jean-No\"el Grad, Magnus Hagdorn, Toby Hodges, Guido Juckeland, Dominic Kempf, Anna-Lena Lamprecht, Jan Linxweiler, Frank L\"offler, Michele Martone, Moritz Schwarzmeier, Heidi Seibold, Jan Philipp Thiele, Harald von Waldow, Samantha Wittke Categories: cs.SE cs.CY physics.comp-ph Comments: 34 pages, public repository for feedback here: License: \ The term Research Software Engineer, or RSE, emerged a little over 10 years ago as a way to represent individuals working in the research community but focusing on software development. The term has been widely adopted and there are a number of high-level definitions of what an RSE is. However, the roles of RSEs vary depending on the institutional context they work in. At one end of the spectrum, RSE roles may look similar to a traditional research role. At the other extreme, they resemble that of a software engineer in industry. Most RSE roles inhabit the space between these two extremes. Therefore, providing a straightforward, comprehensive definition of what an RSE does and what experience, skills and competencies are required to become one is challenging. In this community paper we define the broad notion of what an RSE is, explore the different types of work they undertake, and define a list of fundamental competencies as well as values that define the general profile of an RSE. On this basis, we elaborate on the progression of these skills along different dimensions, looking at specific types of RSE roles, proposing recommendations for organisations, and giving examples of future specialisations. An appendix details how existing curricula fit into this framework. \