the-teachingRSE-project / competencies

The teachingRSE project: "Teaching and Learning Research Software Engineering"
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Peer-reviewed Publication #219

Open CaptainSifff opened 7 months ago

CaptainSifff commented 7 months ago

We had the idea, of publishing with F1000 Research as an opinion article (similar to previous publications) The major hurdle, I currently see is the publication costs, of 1390$ (maybe with tax):

CaptainSifff commented 7 months ago


CaptainSifff commented 7 months ago

The Book of the Dagstuhl seminar?

BeastyBlacksmith commented 6 months ago

What I gathered: APC Free:

APC could by covered by university:

jngrad commented 6 months ago

Stuttgart uses DFG grant 512689491 to cover the costs of open access journals up to 2400 Euros after tax, but one of the conditions is for at least one Stuttgart co-author to be a corresponding author. It's also unclear, whether the grant covers policy papers (all papers funded by this grant seem to have conducted research, in one case it was simply a RSE survey). A full list of conditions can be found here:

mhagdorn commented 6 months ago

The Charité covers up to 2000 Euro but only if the corresponding author is member of the Charité. There are various other strings attached but I think we would fulfill those.

CaptainSifff commented 2 months ago

So from what I gather, I still would have to pay for most of the things:

Since F1000 is in taylor and francis group, I get a 15% rebate. and from the remaining ~1000€ 800€ would have to be paid by me.

sdruskat commented 1 week ago

The Book of the Dagstuhl seminar?

This will now be a special issue "Research Software Engineering: Discovering and Bridging Knowledge Gaps" in IEEE Computing in Science & Engineering. Those of you who attended the Seminar will have received an initial email about this.