the-teachingRSE-project / competencies

The teachingRSE project: "Teaching and Learning Research Software Engineering"
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Where to publish/ Blog Post #83

Open CaptainSifff opened 1 year ago

CaptainSifff commented 1 year ago
CaptainSifff commented 1 year ago
MakisH commented 1 year ago

For the blog post, the BSSw blog has interesting content and well-written, relatively long articles. They also write reports of similar workshops, for example.

sdruskat commented 10 months ago

Congrats on the preprint 🚀!

I've talked to some of the co-authors about the following idea in the recent past, and have been met with support:

Some of you participate in the Dagstuhl Seminar "Research Software Engineering: Bridging Knowledge Gaps". As output of this seminar, we're planning an edited volume with contributions from breakout groups at the seminar on relevant topics. Education and competencies are central topics to the seminar, and so we thought it may be expedient to

The volume will be open access, although we haven't decided on the venue yet (one candidate would be Springer).

One important aspect of this idea is that authorship of the volume chapters will not be restricted to seminar participants. Instead, we proactively want to include the input of the larger community after the seminar, on the way to finalizing chapters.

I'd be very happy if you discussed this idea, and happy to participate in this discussion as well.

CaptainSifff commented 10 months ago

Blog Post: We need one. it would be nice to prepare one for derse website, and maybe also for BSSw blog

MakisH commented 8 months ago

Another potentially related venue for papers like ours: IEEE German Education Conference

Conference submissions: 21 Apr 2024 23:59

CaptainSifff commented 8 months ago

exactly in the first week of holidays.... maybe sth. for the munich locals? @HeidiSeibold , @MakisH ?

MakisH commented 8 months ago

exactly in the first week of holidays.... maybe sth. for the munich locals? @HeidiSeibold , @MakisH ?

I would love to go, but I will need to see if it will be possible due to the usual several other reasons.

HeidiSeibold commented 8 months ago

Another potentially related venue for papers like ours: IEEE German Education Conference

Would be possible for me in principles. Have never heard of the conference before. Have any of you been there?