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Possible chapter on Participatory Science #1315

Open GeorgiaHCA opened 3 years ago

GeorgiaHCA commented 3 years ago

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Planned table of contents for this chapter

Current status

This chapter is empty. If anyone would like to make a start they are more than welcome to do so.


welcome[bot] commented 3 years ago

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malvikasharan commented 3 years ago

@all-contributors please add @GeorgiaHCA for idea.

allcontributors[bot] commented 3 years ago


I've put up a pull request to add @GeorgiaHCA! :tada:

GeorgiaHCA commented 3 years ago

I'm working on the chapter outline here:

JamesSCTJ commented 3 years ago

@GeorgiaHCA @malvikasharan

I've gone through the outline for the Turing Way Chapter and have the following takeaways and questions which it would be great to resolve to help me move forward. Subject to that, I am confident that I can get the vast majority of the writing done over the next week or so (fingers crossed!).

Format: Do you regard this as a full chapter of the document (in the same way as the section on 'Guide for Collaboration' contains the overarching topic and then individual sub-chapters on issues such as 'Getting Started on Git Hub' and 'Collaborating on Git Hub' )? Is that something we want to replicate here, so we start-off with a short-intro, and then dive into individual chapters, for example 'why should I use participatory techniques?'

Formatting: Regarding formatting, I'm guessing it looks fairly flexible/linear (a bit like Hack MD), so I'm guessing their isn't too much scope to keep it jazzy; is there any scope to put in flow-charts etc?

Language/Tone: Most of the Turing Way is fairly high-level and too the point rather than an academic piece; I therefore intend to keep things quite short, with light and breezy language and quite listy where possible, agreed?

Facts: On the why use participatory techniques section, it would be great if we could include data demonstrating the quantifiable benefits of Par Sci; do you have any to hand any know relevant case studies? Chapter suggestion: I reckon we could do with a chapter on the circumstances where it would be appropriate for to utilise participatory techniques and when it will not (I'm presuming participatory science isn't applicable to absolutely everything and we should probably be upfront about this). I'm happy to do the gruntwork in terms of researching info on this if you can point me in the right direction

Chapters on participatory science/citizen science and open-source: Those are the two chapters I'm least -up-to-speed with, it would be good to run through those to ensure we have a shared sense of what we have and where the info can be found if we both have time? I also wonder whether the section on challenges to go in this part as there may be duplication.
What does FAIR data mean?

On the Autistica/Citizen Science case study, was your intention to integrate this into the chapter on participatory science above, it looks to me to be a good fit.

On that chapter, the position paper is a great starting point but have you got any more recent documents/slide packs that it would be possible to share on project values, how its been built, challenges etc (basically the stuff its presented on). Finally, you mention that I should 'Add Diagrams'. I have to admit, I can't remember as to exactly what you were referring to!

Anywayz, it looks a long list but I'm confident I can wrap this up fairly quickly and painlessly. If you given me direction on what to look for then I'm happy to get on with the research myself.