the-urlist / BlazorSortable

A sortable list component for Blazor
MIT License
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Not-Allowed Cursor? #10

Open GLARDEN opened 1 month ago

GLARDEN commented 1 month ago

Wondering if anybody is getting the "Not-Allowed" cursor when dragging items.

I referenced the code directly so that I can apply this component to a table instead of a div. It works great, I'm even toggling between the "grab" & "grabbing" cursor when I click on the drag-handle div with in the td tag.

The issue is when I'm dragging a tag i get the "not-allowed" cursor instead of the dragging cursor. Anybody know how to change the cursor for dragging tags instead


My small change to the SortableList.razor just required changing div tag to tbody

joshmackay commented 3 weeks ago

This is in the original SortableJS. It had me wondering too and I tried to figure it out. I'm not sure why they require it on a technical level, but changing it will break the drag feature. It may have something to do with reading the screen position of the cursor when dragging the item around