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Confusing versioning #245

Open ValdisThomann opened 1 year ago

ValdisThomann commented 1 year ago

As someone who only really needs to fiddle with VIA once every 6months or so, the version messaging here is pretty confusing.

For instance, I was previously using Via v1.3.1 which I gather from this thread supported "v2 definitions", but now I've upgraded to Via v2.x.x and this uses "v3 definitions" and "v2 definitions" are considered deprecated. On the surface, as your average end user, this makes no sense, why wouldn't Via V2 support V2 definitions.

I know its all semantics and can understand that your App version my diverge from your Definition version... but would make a lot more sense to me as a user if there was clearer terminology/documentation around App version vs. Definition version. Even now, I could be misunderstanding the relationship between the two. I kind of pieced it together only after reading through this thread.

Side thought: would be nice if the Settings tab also displayed the current installed App version, and possibly the supported definition version(s)?

Originally posted by @philosowaffle in