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xkcd-fetch behavioural discrepancy #20

Open lramati opened 11 years ago

lramati commented 11 years ago

typing xkcd-fetch at the command line makes the program prompt you for a comic number on stdin, but the help message states otherwise.

[xxx@localhost the-red-spider-project]$ xkcd-fetch -h
usage: xkcd-fetch [-h] [-a] [-l] [-n] [-q] [-r] [-s TIME] [N [N ...]]

Downloads, caches, and returns xkcd comics

positional arguments:
  N                     Comic number to fetch. Defaults to the most recent

implying that $ xkcd-fetch is the same as $ xkcd-fetch -l

I am working on a branch that overhauls the xkcd-fetch command, but this discrepancy should be cleared up as soon as possible on the master branch.

jgonggrijp commented 11 years ago

@nforrester It would be great if you could react here. I'm wondering whether this was just a oversight on your part, or firerogue and I are actually the ones overlooking something.

Edit @firerogue I'd say that last part about it needing to be cleared up as soon as possible on the master branch is a bit overly dramatic. It's not like it makes xkcd-fetch unusable or anything...

lramati commented 11 years ago

Its not critical per se, but faulty and misleading documentation should be pretty high on the list