Closed alessio619 closed 2 years ago
Do you have an example of shiny application where this fails?
I leave the very same reprez in your page, I wonder how can I change the button' s color:
`ui <- fluidPage( theme = bslib::bs_theme(version = 5L, bootswatch = 'zephyr'), offcanvas( offcanvasButton( "Open" ), offcanvasContent( offcanvasHeader( "Off canvas" ), p( "Hello world" ) ) ) )
server <- (input, output, session){}
shinyApp(ui, server) `
And if below theme
you add
".offcanvas {background-color: #000000 }")
It does not work?
(Sorry no laptop access right now)
Works perfectly. Thanks
Hi, I am very interested in adding many of the UI elements in the package, they are really easy to implement and useful. I've tried to add a
tags$style(".offcanvas {background-color: #000000}")
and other workarounds but I cannot change the buttons properties such as width and color.Thanks!