I accidently boutght the wrong version of the flatpack2 HE, it's called "Flatpack2 HE front end".
It have a different physical interface and have more pins for diffrent types of communication.
It still have CAN pins, but the documentation only mentions the i2c interface.
Anyone know if the CAN interface can be used the same way as other flatpack2? Or if anyone knows anything about the i2c communication used?
A bit late but may be usefull :
Yes the code work flawlessly on the flatpack2 HE
Pay attention to the Xtal on the CAN interface, mine was 8 MHZ and not 16 MHZ--> correct the code if needed.
I accidently boutght the wrong version of the flatpack2 HE, it's called "Flatpack2 HE front end". It have a different physical interface and have more pins for diffrent types of communication. It still have CAN pins, but the documentation only mentions the i2c interface.
Anyone know if the CAN interface can be used the same way as other flatpack2? Or if anyone knows anything about the i2c communication used?
Link to docs: https://dta0yqvfnusiq.cloudfront.net/conle38747825/2018/07/Flatpack2-HE-Front-End-5b44b5d5e3926.pdf