the9grounds / AE-Additions

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[1.20.1] Me Wireless Transceiver channel list is broken #133

Closed programgames closed 7 months ago

programgames commented 1 year ago

When you have more than one channel available, every channels shows in only one line : 2023-08-17_10 06 24

Swat99Swat commented 9 months ago

Really looking forward to the fix of this thing. And possible improvements to this block.

J4YD3D commented 9 months ago

Youre also incapable of deleting the channels, making the block outright unusable unfortunately

Beachman4 commented 9 months ago

Thanks for reporting this. I'll take a look at this sometime today

Unbistrackted commented 9 months ago

image image

Block stops working after spamming "Acess mode" and/or spam create new networks... Is there any way to delete those 'ghost' channels without the block GUI?

norkitk commented 8 months ago

Is there any update on this? I’m also running into this issue on ATM9 and it’s unfortunately preventing me from some AE2 expansion.

wu452148993 commented 8 months ago

I compared the codes of 1.19.2 and 1.20.1 and found the following errors: MEWirelessTransceiverScreen.kt channels.forEachIndexed { index, channelInfo -> val channelField = this.channelFields[channelInfo] if (channelField != null) { channelField.updateValues(shouldShowChannel(index), selectedChannel == channelInfo, channelY) channelField.render(guiGraphics, 0, 0, 0f) } } ==> channels.forEachIndexed { index, channelInfo -> val channelField = this.channelFields[channelInfo] if (channelField != null) { channelField.updateValues(shouldShowChannel(index), selectedChannel == channelInfo, channelY) channelField.render(guiGraphics, 0, 0, 0f) channelY += 12 } }

tpoismans commented 7 months ago

Issue with channellist and not able to delete channels still persisting. "Workaround" I found is that if you create a channel and save it, you select the last made channel. Have been able to link up the transmitters like that until it's fixed.

AnthonyOGorman commented 5 months ago

Issue persists on MC1.20.1 AE-Additions 5.0.5 ATM9 (Running Server Side) image Unable to create new channels, however even though no channels are showing, existing transceivers are still connected.

Dbz9 commented 3 months ago

Same issue on ATM8 last version