theAgingApprentice / HexaFloorRide

Arduino based six legged robot project
MIT License
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Create z,x,y, timestamp messages to publish to the simulator topic tree on the broker. #250

Open theAgingApprentice opened 2 months ago

theAgingApprentice commented 2 months ago

Send X,Y,Z and timestamp data to the MQTT broker's robot name/simulator topic tree.

nerdoug commented 1 month ago

Musings on the data structure of robot-to-simulator messages:

There are 2 use cases where the data generated by the robots leg movement software needs to be transmitted to the simulator system: 1) near real time display of a representation of the robot 2) logging of the robot's movements to allow offline analysis, perhaps using slow motion, or a variety of camera angles for troubleshooting, gait analysis, etc