theAsmodai / metamod-r

Metamod is a plugin/DLL manager that sits between the Half-Life Engine and an HL Game mod, allowing the dynamic loading/unloading of mod-like DLL plugins to add functionality to the HL server or game mod. Metamod-r is improved version of metamod.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Crashing server with steam-Sven Coop when installing metamod-r #29

Closed Manapo74 closed 5 years ago

Manapo74 commented 6 years ago

Please help, REHLDS is not working and not search game dll :(

stamepicmorg commented 6 years ago

REHLDS is not working

hmm. do u mean metamod-r or rehlds? if u mean really rehlds - check this repo.

anyway.. strange. please, write:

and i will try to reproduce it.

or check filename with this file manually.

Type Windows Linux
Sven Coop (Old) hl.dll
Sven Coop (Steam) server.dll
stamepicmorg commented 6 years ago

@Manapo74 ?

Manapo74 commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I did not see the notification. I am install metamod-r for sven coop but it not working. I see this error: "failure to init extension dl; exiting..."

stamepicmorg commented 6 years ago

@Manapo74 it ok. thank u. i will try to reproduce it.

are u shure that u installing mm to your server correctly? u can check at "install instruction" here

Manapo74 commented 6 years ago

Not working :c "failure to init extension dl; exiting..."

stamepicmorg commented 6 years ago

Not working :c

@Manapo74 tommorow (2018/03/10) i will try to reprpduce it. sorry for my long testing, at this week i havent free time :(

i will use this params to download original server:

steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir "C:\SvenDS" +app_update 276060 validate +exit

and my future enveroment:

  1. windows 10, x64
  2. fully disabled windows defender\firewall
  3. first server: original svencoop (from steamcmd) + latest metamod-r
  4. second server: original svencoop (from steamcmd) + latest rehlds + latest metamod-r

i will feedback about my tests here.

stamepicmorg commented 6 years ago

@Manapo74, I catched and partially confirmed your problem and found one additioanal bug in metamod-r.

to fully resolve your problem - use metamod-r and rehlds. and server will not be crashed.

but second bug it does not apply directly to the svencoop - it's global bug in metamod-r. i think, soon it will be fixed.

and to run svencoop server now please additioanal create a copy of your servers.dll file with hl.dll filename. it is temprorary workaround.

closing this issue.

Manapo74 commented 6 years ago

Hello, thanks. But ReHLDS is not working on svencoop :(

I am get this error: image

Start.bat: hlds.exe -game svencoop -port 27015 +maxplayers 32 +sv_lan 0 +map hl_c01_a1

P.S.: I started the server without rehlds, but now I can't spawn in spawnpoint. Map: hl_c01_a1 Error: image


stamepicmorg commented 6 years ago


ReHLDS is not working on svencoop

we know. sad but true.

rehlds is working. but only with maps that are not have oveloaded limit of precache. if u load map as crossfire - all be ok. i test it. this 512-limit - is engine's limit. if u play multiplayer-based maps - all be ok too. 'cause they are created under this limit. but standalone-based maps has other limit - 1024 or more (i forget). and if u try to load singleplayer or other ovelimited map on (any type server: original or rehlds) - u catch this error too. but svenccop has modiffed limits (i dont know how) from 512 to 1024 or more for play singleplayer-based maps at multiplayer.. i think u can ask rehlds team to add more perecahe limit to rehlds. it will be awesome.

but. metamod-r working correctly only with rehlds. and have no guaranties that metamod-r will be stable with stock-hlds (6xxx or 7xxx). I tested it and can show this table:

Running metamod-r with some enviromets

game hlds 6xxx hlds 7xxx rehlds
Half-Life 1 👍 👍 👍
SvenCoop 5.x 👎 👎 👍
stamepicmorg commented 6 years ago

@Manapo74 hi there :) i saw u issue at rehlds-repo and answer.. maby this workaround can resolve problem too.

Manapo74 commented 6 years ago

Hello, thanks. But, i am wait update for Metamod-r :) Can you please tell me when will the new "release" come about?

theAsmodai commented 6 years ago


Manapo74 commented 6 years ago

Error again :( "Failure to init extension DLL; exiting..."

stamepicmorg commented 6 years ago


Error again :(

because for metamod-r to work, you must have rehlds installed. if u dont install rehlds, u will catch this error:

"Failure to init extension DLL; exiting..."

but rehlds does not really work with the svencoop and is compatible with it formally.

because the game has increased the limits on caching. both from the server side and from the client side. when you put rehlds, it resets the server limit to 512. and you catch an error. alternatively, if you know what the limit on the game client, you can make your own build of rehlds, which will be compatible with the game. then everything will work. in theory.

P.S.: I started the server without rehlds, but now I can't spawn in spawnpoint.

maby it is another bug.

oh! i found special version of metamod-p for svencoop 5.0:

maby u can try it with original version of hlds (from svencoop, not rehlds).

@theAsmodai can u look at this patch? maby u can add support of svencoop to metamod-r too like there?

Manapo74 commented 6 years ago

This metamod unstable:

On some maps this metamod works unstably, server ping jumps up to 300-700. For example: hl_c03 - ping 250-400 hl_c04 - ping server at the end of the map 200-260

stamepicmorg commented 5 years ago

@Manapo74 hello! problem resolved here.