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in list view, show unique features as summary text under areas in parent area #1169

Open scd opened 11 years ago

scd commented 11 years ago


In some circumstances it is useful to be able to see the first and last route in an area in list view. I have also seen this done in regions for crags.

Needs more thought about whether it should be a manual config setting or some sort of business rules to detect that it should be shown that way, or always shown.

This makes sense when sectors are essentially next to each other along a cliff line to help quickly work out which sector a route should be in. In most situations location assignments will be enough to work out which climbs belong.

scd commented 11 years ago

I wouldn't do it by extending the subarea name. This would be messy from both a design and data quality perspective. If we're going to do it it'd be better to do it programmatically.

On Sunday, August 11, 2013, David Gibbs wrote:

I've noticed another thing, which I'm assuming is on purpose, but which I think I would like to suggest changing.

If you're looking at the list of entries in an area (e.g. in a crag) and there are routes listed, then with each route, the description (from the details) will be displayed at this upper, summary, level.

But, if you're looking sub-areas (e.g. sectors) then the description area is not listed.

I'd like to suggest that sub-areas be treated the same way, with the descriptions listed. Why?

Well, I've been cleaning up Harrison's Rocks ( ) and I've found that lots of climbs have been added twice (or more), but in differently named sub-areas. I think what has happened, is that there is no "standard" naming for what the different sub-areas of the cliff might be called, with some names covering smaller areas than others, etc. So, someone has looked for the "sub-area" they're in, not recognised a different name for it, or for something that includes it, and then just created the sub-area and climbs in it, duplicating existing data. To prevent this happening in the future, and to make it easier for people to figure out how/where to find the climb they want to tick, I'd like to include in the description for each sub-area that it covers climbs between -- and then list the first and last climb in the sub-area. If this were, then, displayed as part of the summary level -- people could (more) easily find the right place to, either, add a missing climb or tick the already listed climb.

Hm... I guess I could overload the sub-area name.

Call the sector something like "Archer's Wall (Quarterdome - Marcus's Arete)".




dagibbs commented 11 years ago

Displaying first and last climbs in the list would work for solving this particular problem.

But, still, is there a reason that sub-areas don't get their descriptions shown (just names) while climbs do?

It would definitely be helpful for navigating through and understanding what the sub-areas are at the higher level, without having to click-down into each sub-area.

brendanheywood commented 11 years ago

How about a slightly more generic solution that is more flexible. If we just showed the subareas description in the parents list view this would be the simplest. The first sentence could just be markdown saying 'from x to y' and then you have the option of more a nuanced summary. Eg "starts at the sweet crack 'eldorado' and finishes at the seeping gully 'choss pile'. To me that's way more valuable than something automated.

The only issue I have with this is that descriptions can be big, either we'd truncate it to X chars, which is imperfect, or perhaps make it a new field. I'm hesitant to introduce a new field but perhaps we could rename 'unique features and strengths' to simply 'summary' and allow it on any node. It is already effectively filling this role and intended to be a one liner. And it's also a mouthful and a pain to work with in other ways, so it kills a few problems in one go.

dagibbs commented 11 years ago

Descriptions are long, they can be for climbs, too. Especially for multi-pitch climbs, if there is pitch by pitch description, but that is still displayed at the next level up.

Using "Unique Features and Strengths" would be a good idea as it is intended to be short. Maybe rename it to summary as you suggest. This field would, though, have to be allowed/enabled for anything below crag -- because cliffs and sectors (and I'll bet boulder and field though I didn't check) don't have this field enabled for them. And, provide an example in the help of it saying "climbs from X to Y" as a possible summary for a cliff/sector field.