Closed scd closed 13 years ago
Note that I have made an implementation for the PDF guides in gradePDF template
Campbell just opened a new issue #130 about putting the grade into the H1 page title. It got me thinking - in the UK grade system if a route has an adjectival grades like: HVS 5a. Should it be treated like the X and R or as part of the grade itself? Or should we be consistent and just display the X as part of the grade everywhere, what about in the grade index, should it show the X/R?
The grade algorithms are smart enough to work out when there is two grading system which should be shown together then concatenate them both together in grade display. eg
I pretty much agree with your original comment that the R ratings should be separated in the API and up to the template to display.
I'm in two minds about showing the X/R in the index, I'm thinking not. The main thing is that there is a consistent place where the X/R grades are available in any one document. From my experience nobody climbs a route by only looking at the index, so there is really no safety issue with leaving it out of the index.
I can't see any locale data?
Also I don't have a heap of info to tell the user what is going on. I probably don't want this as API data but just link to another page showing all the different contexts' In effect this would be our own grade comparison table.
I've made a new issue for this #134
We can still implement and close this issue with that page in place though, just with the different grade context showing.
Try again. I had left Hong Kong hanging without a country assignment
Ok I've fixed this now.
The might be some bad data in the test case through for hong kong:
It is marked as US grades but contains both uk and French grades.
A better example of how is it should look is this:
But I still suspect that this data is wrong too. I'd guess that this bug is mostly about exposing the bad data anyway.
From issue 130 of old issue list (original issue plus comments):
In order to identify conflicting grading systems the grading system should be shown in the route page. For example the 6c and 6b routes on the following page are French and UK technical grades:
I'd only want to show the grade content if it isn't 'normal'. Can you give me the default context which I imagine inherits from the country so I can implement this?
I've got some way to providing some better data here. In the locale field I now provide defaultGrading information: eg
"locale" : { "paperSize" : "A4", "defaultGrading" : { "systems" : [ "UK", "UKT", "BLDV", "AID", "AIDC", "STAR" ], "context" : "UK" }, "units" : "Metres" },
For route api data I also provide an explicit reference to the grading systems. For example:
"citations" : [ { "systems" : { "UK" : [ "HVS" ], "UKT" : [ "4c" ] }, "isPrinciple" : "true", "grade" : "HVS 4c" }, { "systems" : { "UK" : [ "HVS" ], "UKT" : [ "4c" ] }, "account" : { "country" : "United Kingdom", "name" : "Jim Croft", "id" : "8033689", "routesTicked" : "1971", "login" : "JIMCROFT" }, "grade" : "HVS 4c" }
I've provided an example from UK because it demonstrates a richness of multiple systems.
I think we should only show the grading system in the route page and only if it does not match the default grading systems for the country.