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Freehand draw poi / topo labels not on routes, eg anchors, birds nest, approch tracks, rap stations #1614

Open brendanheywood opened 9 years ago

brendanheywood commented 9 years ago

Be able to draw points on a topo which aren't attached to a route, for things like birds nests, rap stations, etc. Be able to add any of the point types a route point can have, and also have arbitrary text hanging of the side with similar settings to the area labels.

Examples pulled from #931

This one is probably a better example of adding POI to the maps rather than the topos:

Rap stations:

Walking tracks:

In the wild ideas:

scd commented 9 years ago

Are there any data model issues I need to look into here?

The TopoRoute record does not have to link to a node, it can be any id or even a null id. There may be some API issues as it is untested. Please let me know what you want me to do to help with this feature?

brendanheywood commented 9 years ago

I won't be tackling this one in the first release so lets just worry about it later. I just didn't want it to get lost

brendanheywood commented 7 years ago

Example in the wild:

brendanheywood commented 7 years ago

Bump from support email (Henning)

brendanheywood commented 7 years ago

@birgander2 duplicated this in #2638

brendanheywood commented 5 years ago

+1 from support email

brendanheywood commented 5 years ago

+1 via duplicate: from (@gogulfresh)

What happened? I would like to add the ascent/decent on a topo

Example url(s) to reproduce the problem:

Ideally also provide screenshots:

What you expected: Smth like attached screenshot: Adding path w/ arrows + free text box. sommersonnesonne_180806_181545_ascent

brendanheywood commented 5 years ago

Another test case:

brendanheywood commented 5 years ago

+1 from support email

brendanheywood commented 5 years ago

+1 from pm

lordyavin commented 5 years ago


nicHoch commented 4 years ago

+1 see also: and

nicHoch commented 4 years ago

+1 PM:

I have an idea for creating top images for bouldering. It is always very tedious when you are standing in front of a boulder to find the right starting grip. Even with a description like "start at small ledge" it can lead to misunderstandings, because often there is not only a "small ledge"... We solved it for Vogtland Bloc by drawing a circle around the grip. Then it is quite clear where the starting handle is. Additionally there is of course a description, in case you don't recognize the starting handle on the topo.

With the topo in the crag I always have the problem to find the start. This seems to me to be a general problem for other boulderers.

If you add an element "start grip", which I can create in the topo at the beginning of the line, the problem is solved in most cases.

FreddieChopin commented 4 years ago

Here's a good example why a feature like that would be useful:,13605,Ska%C5%82a-Apteka,Poradnik-starego-zielarza Screenshot from 2020-06-25 23-22-46

This is a screenshot from a Polish online topo - the project is slowly dying, but it is very similar to what is implemented on TheCrag, with very similar features and the same limitation as discussed here. When you have a route which goes significantly left/right from the bolts, there's no way to draw the route AND the bolts other than like that, because the bolts have to be part of the main route line. In Poland we also sometimes have two routes which share common bolts - drawing something like that would also be a good exercise (; See here: signal-attachment-2020-06-25-233336 Routes 9 and 10 are meant to be climbed on the same bolts, but neither goes directly in line with them.

georg-d commented 4 years ago

Does it make sense to break down that issue into smaller pieces that are easier to handle? My questions targets especially on separation of "low hanging fruits" that could be startet soon from "more demanding aspects" requiring more conecptual + coding work.

Illustrative example: It's probably relatively easy to allow "route independant" usage of already existing topo elements, so to add them without need to be part of a route, e.g. "warning" for rockfall areas, a "lower off" for rappeling down,... This could be started before we have a clear idea for new elements like freely user definable points for bird nests or access ways which require text to become understandable - which in turn comes along with questions like translations, display strategy for long texts, achieving readability without hiding much of the photo by yellow boxes (e.g. using choosable font & shadow color instead of solid rectangular background, a text icon connected to a movable box showing the actual text (like sticky notes in PDFs),...)

georg-d commented 4 years ago

A possibility to add existing topo elements without reference to a route would probably accelerate the photo topos addition because not all steps need to be done by one person, so the the hurdle is lower for each sub-task & person (principle "divide tasks and conquer/reach the complete task").

For example, at Mägdeberg, I do see existing bolts on the wall but currently cannot add them in the topo photo because

If I could add bolts to the topo, I would add some bolts when being at the crag (no headache about route lines & a low hurdle), someone else adds further bolts, and someone else would just need to interconnect the already existing bolts - which is perfectly well possible from the arm chair and a much lower hurdle than doing all tasks.

georg-d commented 4 years ago

Another use for route-independant drawn lines: fix ropes like the three visible in - these help with orientation, especially at such a crag with minimal structures in the wall.