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Change private account permission definition model to a 'Request follow' instead of 'Mutual follow' #1704

Open scd opened 9 years ago

scd commented 9 years ago

From Brendan...

... I think the clearest solution is to adopt a model, like FB where instead of having a 'private' account you break that apart into permissions, ie

* who can see my ticks       [ world | users | those I follow | non-one ]
* who can see my karma       [ world | users | those I follow | non-one ]
* who can see my fb account  [ world | users | those I follow | non-one ]

or whatever, each of these probably needs more thrashing out. Then there is no ambiguity about what a setting actually means, and if we find a new case then instead of further overloading the 'private' we just another permission setting.

Some related things we could sort probably at the same time:

tanerkay commented 9 years ago

I like this, I would also add one more option for "logged in users", just so random crawlers and indexers don't pick up information.

brendanheywood commented 9 years ago


brendanheywood commented 7 years ago

Just bumping this from another support case

brendanheywood commented 7 years ago



brendanheywood commented 7 years ago

+1 from another private discussion on this topic

brendanheywood commented 6 years ago

This could have possibly been a separate new issue but I've decided to merge it into this as it's intrinsically intertwined with the private account privacy model.

On many systems like facebook, instagram, if an account is private then you can't immediately follow it, you need to request to follow and then the other person approves it. This is better than the 'mutual follow' = 'friend' model because you can allow someone to follow you without following them back. Even facebook which originally needed reciprocal follow before you connected now allows to unfollow friends, and to follow people who aren't your friend.

tanerkay commented 5 years ago

Hey @brendanheywood , just noticed a few days ago that people who you follow can now see your profile even if its set to private. Was this a recent change? Is there another github issue to follow updates on this?

scd commented 5 years ago

@tanerkay that has been the case for many years.

There is a case to have two settings, one which just follows people and the other for privacy. In the meantime don't folliow anybody who you don't want to see your profile.

brendanheywood commented 5 years ago

@tanerkay just to clarify, they should only see your profile if you both follow each other, ie a 'friend' is a mutual follower and only friends can see private profiles. If this is not what you are seeing this is a bug and is not how it should be right now.

The long term intention is for private account to have a 'request to follow' vs a normal follow, an also for the visibility settings to be finer grained

brendanheywood commented 5 years ago

+1 from support

brendanheywood commented 5 years ago

+1 from fb support

brendanheywood commented 4 years ago

+1 from email support