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default facebook sharing opengraph og images for random pages and ascent facet pages #2884

Open brendanheywood opened 6 years ago

brendanheywood commented 6 years ago

What happened? If you share a random page on facebook, like my tick list, or Jakobs recent rocklands trip, then you just get the old logo. So we need to swap that out with the new logo but this is also a fairly low hanging fruit to make this a bit nicer somehow.


What you expected:

There is a specturm of options here. I think from the simplest low hanging fruit to some longer term stuff

So I'm leaning towards the og images being stateless, ie everything they need to generate the image is in the url, and this is populated by the facet page. og images are usually cached indefinitely, so if the contents change then we need to change the url, ie with new content query params, or with a version cache buster param. This way the image url will need no sessions or db lookups or whatever and it just render stuff real fast. Very similar to the google charts static image api. I don't think anything that pipelines via phantom or does some sort of conversion from the templates or svg into a png will be viable, we need to render this in raw perl using GD or something similar. So I'm leaning towards very simple stuff which is styled similarly to the templates.

So some very rough ideas, something like this (also needs the logo somewhere and a bar chart of the ticks)


Other ideas

Side issues

Good test candidates:

Some examples in the wild which I like:

Random stuff from the wild:

image image image







image image

scd commented 6 years ago

Do you mean something like:

where the card creates an ogimage version of the page.

brendanheywood commented 6 years ago

Yes, but because it's stateless the url will be something vaguely like:

/image?s=700x370&title=55 Ascents by Brendan&bigstats=hardest:V7:gb4,onsighted:V3:gb3,ascents:55,distance climbed:241m&gearband=boulder70trad20sport10&avatar=someurl

The intention here is to make this image endpoint completely generic so we can use it for other things besides facebook, each network has their own sizes and dimensions etc

I can almost do all this myself, the only tiny missing piece of the puzzle is that a facet is paginated, and some of these stats are totals or max for the whole set. But we can cross that bridge when we get into it.

scd commented 6 years ago

OK, I missed the stateless bit.

Pagination of facets should not be a problem as it is already solved for CPR charts. Ahh, but performance might be a problem for the large facets. So yes you are right, there could be an issue here.

brendanheywood commented 6 years ago

I've had a wee break from other things and had a quick crack at a basic stateless image serving script. Here is an example with just the big stats component working:



There is some minor font rendering differences if you are looking hard, but I'm quite happy with this. It probably only another few hours to get this into shape for prod, the missing part now is being able to generate these summary stats for any facet in the template data, regardless of how many pages there are. I'm happy to be pragmatic here and use a similar rule to the pagination bar, ie if there is more than X records it just caps it. We could possibly even combine the summary sql with the same pagination count sql

scd commented 6 years ago

In regards to integrating to all ascent facets there are a couple of thoughts.

We do not have to embed in the profile page but I highly recommend we embed in the facets.

brendanheywood commented 6 years ago

I'll leave the internals up to you, I'm am not fussed if the summary functions are prefect for large facets or not, it just needs to be good for ones which a only a couple pages or a single page. I'm also flexible about what summary stats we provide.

The candidates that I'd want to be able to show, but happy to just do the low hanging fruit here:

Ascents facet:

Routes facet:

Some stats are in the reference area object, but these won't be filtered.

brendanheywood commented 6 years ago

Other than a facet for a single account, what other ascent facets would this be relevant for

I think something we've learned over and over is that people end up doing unforeseen cool things so I don't want to limit it at the low level tech layer, ie I want to be able to run this for a crag, or for a group of a few climbers, or by gender or whatever

BUT as I'll repeat again below, speed is the main thing that matters - so I'm am more than happy to initially restrict this to certain types of facets in order to keep it fast, eg we could have a simple heuristic like if the 'by' filter is set then show it, other wise don't.

The way facets currently work is that there is an overall limit on the number of records counted and a smaller limit on the number of records returned. So facets are done in a single query and we have worked it out to be fairly performant. If we were to hook into this single query then we would have to abandon the one or both of those limits.

One key difference between this and the aggregate functions is that this image is stateless by design and for good reasons, the data is encoded into the url so the calling page needs to know the data up front. So it all needs to be dirt fast as it's in the first initial request, we can't offload it into an iframe if it's a little slower. But correctness is not that important, if we get to large numbers I am super happy to just say things like "1000+ ascents" or "10km+" or whatever the limits end up being. In fact I'm happy to adjust what data I present in this summary based purely on what's fast and easy to access. I'm also happy to adjust what is show based on whats easy for this particular facet, so for instance if the facet only has one page then we can do it all in perl land with zero new sql and with perfect results. But if there is more than some limit (only one page?) show a different type of summary which is only the types of things we can in sql land min() max() etc.

scd commented 6 years ago

FYI I originally played around with GD for all the charts and it was not very impressive. I think all the charts on the old statistics page are GD generated charts

So one chart looks like:

They are all generated via the Portal/GenerateChart function. I don't think the framework is perfect and is not stateless.

brendanheywood commented 6 years ago


Another use case I hadn’t thought of is the home page itself should look broadly like the header that Ulf just posted

Also a route share should hhave an og image of the topo, but cropped down fairly tight to just that route and a bit of margin


brendanheywood commented 5 years ago

Another example in the wild I liked


brendanheywood commented 5 years ago

The infrastructure for this is now in place, and will it be slowly rolled out across the site so keeping this open for a bit longer.