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Full width topos on non-mobile viewports #3415

Open dmucli opened 5 years ago

dmucli commented 5 years ago

Not sure if this is intended but topos are not displaying full width on desktop screens which make them pretty small to navigate.

See screenshot below:

Screenshot 2019-04-24 at 08 30 53 copy

lordyavin commented 5 years ago


brendanheywood commented 5 years ago

There needs to be some maximum height, or portrait topos will take up way too much room. so I'm open to increasing that maximum but not removing it. Probably a sane default maximum would be around 75% of the width of the table, so a standard 3:4 landscape photo will be full width, but anything higher than that, eq square or 4:3 portrait will not fill.

Mdemaillard commented 4 years ago

+1 from BIrgander via duplicate 3574 closed: The display of topos which are not in the perfect aspect ration is imho not ideal / not wide enough. Many cameras take images in 3:2 or even 4:3 aspect (and not 16:9 or whatever theCrag expects to use the whole horizontal space). One of many examples can be found here. The topo would appear much better/bigger if scaled to use all of the available horizontal space. For portrait mode topos this might not be the way to go, but for everything up to quadratic it would really be an improvement to stretch everything in the way discribed.

willmonks commented 11 months ago

+1 most topos are rendered too small.

Would it be possible to improve this by using text-wrapping for portrait topos? ("portrait" being defined by whatever aspect ratio makes sense). That way they could be rendered much bigger - perhaps even full height - and all the route descriptions could sit beside them in the space that is currently wasted. And then maybe landscape topos could also be rendered larger - even full width.

A further improvement would be adaptive topo positioning so that each topo remains on-screen even as you scroll, for so long as the on-screen text describes routes addressed by that topo. The current static positioning unfortunately often results in the topo getting scrolled a long way off-screen by the time you find the last route description(s) associated with that topo, making it hard to compare text and image.


Olbert000 commented 9 months ago

Willmonks suggestion is good but looks hard to implement automatically.

An easier solution might be for a manual edit function added to the top editing. That was the crag editor can choose whatever makes sense and it can easily be changed later.

killakalle commented 5 months ago

I'm using the following workaround:

I try to make topo photos as "flat" as possible by cutting away landscape above and below the routes. This results in a wider display of the topo images. As a side-effect the topo lines are also drawn finer on wider topo images.


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