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Reverse left/right prev/next area navigation #3537

Open benjimin opened 4 years ago

benjimin commented 4 years ago

The previous (left) and next (right) website navigation arrows should be reversed in some crags.

Consider commonly a crag corresponding to one physical cliff line, with the guide arbitrarily segmented into sectors, and the routes numbered sequentially from one end to the other. If the access path happens to be from the right-most end of the crag (when facing the climbs) then the routes will likely be numbered starting from the right (i.e. so that the numbers increase while approaching/entering the crag), and likewise the sectors will be ordered from right to left (i.e. in the order that they are encountered when walking to the climbs).

The problem is that when navigating between sectors on theCrag, the "next" sector is reached by clicking the right arrow, despite that it in real life it should be in the left direction (and conversely for the "previous" sector).

Example: image (Looking at this topo, The Main Cave should be to the left, but the website links it on the right.)

Is there any way to swap the left and right buttons (while still listing the sectors in order of approach)?

brendanheywood commented 4 years ago

Hmm interesting. Semi related to this one but at the parent area level for the cliffs rather than the cliff areas for the routes:

benjimin commented 4 years ago

Related thoughts: