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Editor: Route name suggestion listing too many routes, sectors etc XOR with too little context #3941

Open georg-d opened 3 years ago

georg-d commented 3 years ago

What happened? In a textfield, I typed "<starting chatacters of a route> (EDIT: same happens for sectors, crags, etc - see below for examples) and the the editor suggested routes with matching names. As "Normalweg" is a frequent name (meaning the common or standard way to top), not only the neighboring route but more routes were suggested. I was relatively sure the name did not have any suffix, so I could sort out 1/2 of the suggested ones, and I could reduce to 1/3 by the grade (a 2 but no idea whether exactly 2 or a 2+), and thus had difficulties to choose. I needed to close the window, look up exact name and grade, and start editing again.

According to help page Formatting Text,

Enclose the name of a crag, area or route within double (or single) quotation marks and it will get turned into an internal link when that name appears on the same page. This should work on all pages for routes and areas that match (not case sensitive) within the top level crag.

and this would be fine, but does not match reality: The crag Harzloch does only contain 1 route of that name, and it's parent hierarchy level Südschwarzwald is already an area, not any more a crag, so the highest crag level is Harzloch.

Example url(s) to reproduce the problem:

Screenshot: theCrag Namensvorschläge

What you expected:

  1. Either, less preferred, the editor shall behave as help explains, i.e. suggest only routes of same crag. XOR
  2. more preferred, the routes list shall carry more context information, e.g. the path from currently edited node to the list entry node (for the example provided above: Oberer Fels > Normalweg (2) and Oberer Fels < Harzloch < Südschwarzwald > Gfällfelsen > Rhodewand > Normalweg (2+) and Oberer Fels < Harzloch < Südschwarzwald > Gfällfelsen > Bauerntürmle > Normalweg (2+)). Screen size shall not be an issue on desktop/laptop, and on small screens, we may collapse as many characters from the start to "..." as required - in worst case, we'll have only the route name, i.e. the same information as now.
  3. Sort by distance based on hierarchy and listing (e.g. route at same parent that is adjacent according to parent's route listing or topo shall be displayed earlier than another sibling route that has several more siblings in between, sister route earlier than uncle or cousin (i.e. at another cliff of same crag), etc)

As 1st solution does not solve the issue for huge crags with many routes, I'd prefer 2nd solution.

georg-d commented 2 years ago

The same happens in auto linking suggestions for areas, sectors, cliffs, crags, etc.

What happened?

  1. Go to and edit description, approach,... of cliff or any route
  2. Assume you want to link to upper/lower cliff or any "more frequent" name. So e.g. type "Unt and observe you get several auto link completion suggestions auto link suggestion for sectors etc
  3. Try to tell apart which of them is referring to the cliff 50 meters away? No, it's not the topmost - that is a closed (!) sector of the crag which is 45 min drive away

What you expected

  1. Sort by distance based on hierarchy and listing (e.g. sister node that is listed before/after current one earlier than sister that has several more siblings in between, sister earlier than uncle or cousin, etc) and/or
  2. show more context information, e.g. kind of node (area, cliff, sector,...) and name of parent (mouseover showing the complete navigation breadcrumb)
skomaroff commented 2 years ago

I have had a similar experience lately. I think it was better in the past, so there might have been a regression in the last few months.