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Poor Website Performance #3976

Open lordyavin opened 2 years ago

lordyavin commented 2 years ago

What happened?

Since a while I experience very bad performance when navigating the site. I don't know where the problem is but as it did not disapear over time I'm raising the issue.

See attached logs:

Sometime navigating to another crag, or starting to log an ascent or finishing a log the browser does nothing and waits for data served by site or third party resources. This makes the usage quite unresponsive even though streams are lazy loaded in the background.

I experience this issue on mobile and desktop.

What you expected:

lordyavin commented 5 months ago

And yet another discussion that backs this issue.

dpoetzsch commented 5 months ago

I can confirm that the website is still slow. Some requests are quite fast, but often you wait for 5 or more seconds. This makes navigation quite cumbersome. I am also based in Germany if that matters.

Technically, the slow request is usually the very first when opening a link, the one for the HTML document:

Screenshot from 2024-03-31 23-54-26

All the other requests (for this page I got 99 within the first 20 seconds) are quite fast (usually <100ms).

It's actually the only major issue for me and has been for a long time now.

lordyavin commented 4 months ago

Just right now I'm trying to contribute to the area I'm currently climbing at. Unfortunately the response times while editing are so annoying, that I lose interest in contributing.

Please, please make that editing is not a pain in the ass.

lordyavin commented 4 months ago

Don't what is going on, but photo uploading takes way longer than I'm used to. Submitting images takes extremely long.

lordyavin commented 3 months ago

Just now, my firefox waits to receive HTML of Donautal for around 1 Minute. After the HTML document is received, the following request to load JS, CSS, media and so on is okay fast.


lordyavin commented 3 months ago

I had issues with IPv4/IPv6 connections via my DualStack-Lite WAN. My ISP provides me (and probably a lot of other users) no external IPv4 address. Because of that my ISP needs to do network-address-translation (NAT) in their gateways, if I access a service through its IPv4 address. This can (and probably does) increase latency. So I checked if provides a IPv6 address: Obviously not. Please think about setting up a IPv6 address to see if this does improve something. Someday you need to do this anyway ;-)

myell0w commented 4 days ago

+1, such a great website but painfully slow to use