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Grade display inconsistent when using alternate grade with aid modification #4052

Closed braeuni closed 2 years ago

braeuni commented 2 years ago

When grading a pitch with an additional aid grade like described here grafik

the overall grade of the route is displayed incorrectly Also the Aid grade is only displayed on grade citation, it would be nice if it would appear in a more ui friendly way.


scd commented 2 years ago

I believe I have fixed this. The problem was that the syntax for brackets assumed all the pitches were in the square brackets, so 2,4-,4,4+,2,7,3,3,3 [2,4-,4,4+,2,4+ A1,3,3,3] rather than 2,4-,4,4+,2,7 [4+ A1],3,3,3.

I think it is reasonable to assume you could also use the later format.

I have only fixed this for new routes. Existing data is NOT fixed.

If you come across this in an existing route you have to first change gear style then save then change gear style back and save again. This forces the system to re-assess the overall grade.

killakalle commented 2 years ago


Is this hotfixed or only expected to be within the next release?

After I saw your comment I've played around with this myself (including changing gear style), but couldn't actually see any difference, i.e. aid grade not displayed other than in the grade reference. image

  1. Is this already deployed and should be effective?
  2. Is this route a good example for the fix you provide, should the aid grade be displayed anywhere else than the grade reference.
scd commented 2 years ago

It is deployed.

Alternate grades are not shown in the summary, just reference. Note that the rules should be picking the cleanest grade so 6c+ [6a+ A0] is the same as 6a+ A0 [6c+].

You examples tell me it is working.

georg-d commented 2 years ago

As this is working: Isn't it just another spelling for "6a (5c+obl.)" for which support was requested in ?