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Annotations should not take the numeration from the routes #4161

Closed Arzorth closed 1 year ago

Arzorth commented 1 year ago

Annotations should not take an index in the routes listing (as they are not routes), this causes misalignments with the climbing guides:



Annotations "give" the functionality of skipping one number in the indexing order, but that can be achieved with a dummy route.

In order to maintain sorting during big chunks of routes + annotations moves, there should be an internal indexing to keep them sorted, but that doesn't have to be the same as the routes enumeration.


José María

scd commented 1 year ago

Ta, we know about this. It is fairly irritating, but unfortunately it is a really big piece of work. Not going to be fixed for quite some time.

Arzorth commented 1 year ago

Understood, I think as a temporary workaround, I will opt for including these notes inside the routes instead.

rouletout commented 1 year ago

Duplicate of - closing