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Numbering mismatch in HTML guide #4202

Closed isaac-aa closed 1 year ago

isaac-aa commented 1 year ago

Hello, thanks for the amazing website!

I think that there is a bug in the HTML guide, at least for this area:

The first route is numbered "2" and correctly identified in the topo: Captura de pantalla 2023-05-31 a las 13 14 12 However, in the generated HTML guide: the first number is 1 although in the topo image that route is still labelled as 2: Captura de pantalla 2023-05-31 a las 13 13 29

This implies that all the routes in this area are off by one (which caused us to try climbing the wrong routes...)

This does not seem to happen when generating the PDF, but I generally use the HTML guide and "print it as pdf" from my web browser for offline access.


killakalle commented 1 year ago


In my experience, this happens on crags where annotations are used. Somehow the HTML guide does not use the same logic when generating route numbers as the regular page.

Here's another example:

Screen Shot 2023-06-01 at 17 46 06


As a result, it makes using the HTML guide quite awkward and cumbersome.

Might be related to this... ?

scd commented 1 year ago

This is a pretty serious bug. I have jumped in and done an emergency fix. Thanks for bringing to our attention.

@isaac-aa can you please verify that it is fixed. And @killakalle can you please verify your example.

isaac-aa commented 1 year ago

I confrm that the HTML guide is now correctly generated. Thanks!