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Messed up formatting in streams #4204

Open matozoid opened 1 year ago

matozoid commented 1 year ago

This is in my timeline today:


I've reported something like this a few months ago:

rouletout commented 1 year ago

I have seen that occasionally but we haven't figured out a pattern yet - it might depend on what is before or after the entry in the stream - maybe a warning, maybe something else. If you see that again please pay attention to that and let us know. Right now we have no way in fixing that.

killakalle commented 1 year ago

Here is another one


Stream event:

This event looked fine earlier in the day.

In the meantime the following other events were registered today image

killakalle commented 1 year ago

PS: The stream looks fine on my phone (Android/Chrome)


Though on Desktop (Chrome and Safari) it's scrambled.

killakalle commented 1 year ago

Today, one day later, the stream event looks normal again image

matozoid commented 1 year ago

I'll add that I use Firefox, so it seems browser independent.

matozoid commented 1 year ago

One reported in forum:

killakalle commented 12 months ago

One more: image

killakalle commented 9 months ago

One more: image

How the event should like instead: