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Common French breaks search, part two #4206

Open matozoid opened 1 year ago

matozoid commented 1 year ago

This crag: is very hard to find because thecrag doesn't understand the accent:

Related to #3767.

This, and the other issue, make many crags all over the world impossible to find with the search function.

lordyavin commented 1 year ago

Problem is not the accent. Problem are the white spaces. Either just search the term Hérimont or the phrase "Rocher de Hérimont". Important is to quote a term with white spaces. In general the search does not perform very well when using multiple words. My best practise is to use the most significant part of the name and use that as the search term.

Please add an expectation how the search shall behave.

matozoid commented 1 year ago

Alright, understood. In my opinion that's not something an average user is going to figure out.

My expectation is that when searching for "Rocher de Herimont" "Roche de Hérimont" "Rochers d´herimont" or other variations, I will see the intended crag right at the top, because there may be many rochers, but there is only one "herimont".

("de" "du" "d'" "de la" etcetera are all words that can be ignored, and honestly "rocher" is also not a very useful discriminator.)