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IFAS/SAC Scale Color Grade and Adjustments #4220

Open braeuni opened 10 months ago

braeuni commented 10 months ago

Please implement the color grading for alpine routes on IFAS scale.

e.g: F to PD- = green PD to AD- = yellow AD to D- = orange D to TD- = red TD to ABO = purple

It would be nice to handle both, the IFAS and SAC wording and +/- L/F WS/PD ZS/AD S/D SS/TD AS/ED EX/ABO

And on an additional note, when entering an additonal rock grade in uiaa/fr, the corresponding color will be picked, but the IFAS grade should dictate the grade/coloring, not the rock grade:


And a sneak peek: People are also adding and logging more and more "ordinary mountaineering routes", so it would be nice to implement the SAC-Berg- und Alpinwanderskala T1-T6.