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Ascent ordering in streams is obscure and cannot be modified #4240

Open johnpitcairn opened 6 months ago

johnpitcairn commented 6 months ago

When logging ascents, I try to log them in the order they happened. This often seems to have no effect on the order displayed in the stream. Ascents randomly display out of order.

I also try to set the ascent date correctly, but sometimes I get that wrong and have to fix it sometime after first saving. This also seems to have no effect on the order displayed in the stream.

Sometimes editing a stream event bumps it to the top. Most times it doesn't.

What the heck? What is the stream ordering supposed to be?

johnpitcairn commented 6 months ago

Ordering in my logbook is what I would expect, ie sorted by date first, then by the order the ascent was entered.

scd commented 6 months ago

Editing a stream discussion bumps it to the top. Streams are based on when they are logged, so except for the discussions being bumped there is no reordering of stream events.

Can you please provide a link to your logbook.

You can order by when you climbed, which has a secordary sort based on when it was added.

johnpitcairn commented 6 months ago

Thanks - this stream event is not the order I logged the ascents: I frequently see this sort of problem.

My logbook order is as you describe: Ascents were logged in the order they display here (though I did initially screw up the date on a few, now fixed).

johnpitcairn commented 6 months ago

Is it perhaps sorting by tick type? But even then, it's not the order logged within each tick type.

scd commented 6 months ago

Ah, I now know what you are asking. The order is based on best ascent, I think grouped by tick type.

Would you like to see the order that people logged the ascents in their session?

johnpitcairn commented 6 months ago

Is the order CPR-based? It seems weird to me that an onsight lead is "better" than a flash second of something 3 grades harder. "Best" is highly subjective, and not very transparent.

I'd like to see my sessions in the order they were logged, at least. I often treat them as a little narrative, with comments on one ascent leading into the next. It's fun that way.

Any kind of sorting other than order logged ruins that narrative, and also means it's not really a "stream" any more. I think the system often attempts to be far too smart, and fails at it, with inscrutable results. This is one such area, profile bests is another one.

This seems to have been a somewhat recent change, I don't recall getting pissed off to such a degree a couple of years ago?

lordyavin commented 6 months ago

Bugs me too. Want to see the time based order.

killakalle commented 5 months ago

I'd also prefer if the ascents were shown in the order that they are logged because I also do log them in the order I climb them.

killakalle commented 5 months ago

Changing the order of logged ascents - as it is done now - also leads to routes within the same sector being shown apart, e.g.


PS: Maybe most people won't notice since the standard stream event display does not show sector information. I've used a user script to display it. But it seems there is a need for showing more detailed information as indicated here (this is also the link to the user script:

killakalle commented 4 months ago


Found a nice example that illustrates well the current sort order of ascents image

troymcandrew commented 4 months ago

I am in support for this, for many years I have logged my day more or less in the order that I climbed that day. Now with the logs being all over he place in the stream it just looks messy and doesn't make sense to people viewing the stream.

lordyavin commented 4 months ago

Another argument pro date/time based order is that the stream itself is ordered by date and time. This is natural and I assume that most users expect that ascents summed up in one stream event are ordered the same way.

lordyavin commented 3 months ago

Just was annoyed by the order again. Wrote ascent comments that build up on each other but the event shows them in the "wrong" order.