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Display least significant crag in ascent stream event #4243

Open lordyavin opened 6 months ago

lordyavin commented 6 months ago

On theCrag we have a mixed structure of major climbing areas, aka crags. Sometimes the top level crag (TLC) just contains cliffs and sectors, in other cases the TLC contains sub crags. In any case the current stream implementation lists the name of the TLC if someone logs an ascent. In areas where the TLC has a deep structure of sub crags this information is to broad, in my opinion, but there are at least two use cases:

Use cases:

  1. As a climber that knows each crag of my home crag, I want to see the least significant crag to be listed in my feed if someone logs an ascent.
  2. As a tourist climber that is not familiar with all crags of an TLC I don't care about the least significant crag where someone logs an ascent.

To match both use cases I propose to change the stream display of an ascent to list at first the least significant crag and the TLC as second, if one exists. This may be rendered in braces on mobile or as mouse-over-tooltip on desktop

fritz-raphael commented 6 months ago

Bump up for this one.

killakalle commented 6 months ago

@lordyavin @fritz-raphael Have a look at this workaround

lordyavin commented 6 months ago

@killakalle the user scripts are a workaround. As you already noted. Thanks for the hint.

killakalle commented 5 months ago

Btw. I would not only want the least significant crag, but also the sector information. Some crags are so massive - they have more than 1000 routes (e.g. Chulilla, Montanejos) - that without sector information you're still lost.

Hence, my workaround with the script.